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Statement by Dialogue Committee Coordinating the displaced Sahrawi Agdaim izik camp
by Open-Publishing - Friday 5 November 2010
According to the first statement issued by dialogue committee and the media committee in agdim izik camp for the displaced Sahrawi, And after a series of negotiations with the governors from the central administration of the Moroccan Ministry of Interior in order to reach a just solution to the demands of the displaced Sahrawi protesters; the dialogue committee release the second statement To inform public opinion on the latest developments and to clarify its view on the outcome of what’s happening.
After a series of meetings that brought us together as a committee for dialogue who represent the displaced Sahrawi in agdim izik camp, with the governors from the Ministry of the Interior, It was agreed to conduct a census of the populations of the camp on the basis of Initial Approval to meet the demands of the displaced Sahrawi.
During the absorption of the internal committees of the camp in the census implementation Pursuant to the agreement; we were surprised by Moroccan media without any prior coordination with us, or even notify us the launching of the distribution of Plots of lands and Welfare card for widows and some people whom not involved in displaced Sahrawi camp. In the presence of the Moroccan authorities and (Senate and elected) and media coverage in the new play; and the goal is the marketing lies and fabrication of partial solutions devoid of legitimacy and credibility.
The Dialogue Committee, the representative of the displaced Sahrawi camp in agdim izik strongly condemns Blatant breach of the agreement and unilateral action to Impose a fait accompli and try to exclude the reality of the camp in the absence of dialogue committee from any role in solving the problem, then we declare to the public opinion as follows:
- We refuse this irresponsible action by the Moroccan State, and we consider the consecration of unilateral policies contrary to all submitted logos such as the involvement of local populations in managing their affairs; then we hold the Moroccan state responsibility for the consequences of what they did.
– Our innocence from any solutions designed to mock the media, and promote the lies without reaching any radical solution to the problem.
– Fully aware of the desperate attempts of the Moroccan State using the tribes In order to partition components of the camp and hit the cohesion and unity; and our response to these attempts and thwarted
– We demand the Moroccan state to break the siege imposed for security and the media in agdim izik camp.
– We assure (We displaced Sahrawi in agdim izik) on our steadfastness and our willingness to fight all forms of struggle until we Achieve our legitimate demands, and have our rights to live in dignity on our land.