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The United States of Corruption: Government of Corporate Overlords, by the CIA/Pentagon, for the Royals

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 4 May 2010

Wars and conflicts Secret Services USA

The United States of Corruption:
Government of Corporate Overlords, by the CIA/Pentagon, for the Royal Elite

Responding to President Obama’s Claim that "We, the People, are the Government"

B.Z. Burnbridge Cinco de Mayo, 2010 http://CosmoCorps.org

"From the bosom of the devastated Earth, a voice goes up with our own.
It says ’Disarm!’ ’Disarm!’ The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."
—Julia Ward Howe, Mother’s Day Declaration, 1872

In the past industrial century, human beings have been pushed toward social desperation and killing on a massive, previously unimaginable scale, nowhere more profoundly than in the colonial "superpower" nation USA. So much so that we are now programmed to accept global warfare as our normal course of events, reinforced with daily doses of heroic, patriotic propaganda to justify the consequences and human cost.

We are conditioned not to question the crimes of this military culture of the past century, from developing and testing mass-incineration weapons on civilian populations, to the tens of millions of innocent victims of colonial-corporate wars in "underdeveloped" lands around the world, from the Philippines, El Salvador, Guatemala, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Honduras, Iraq and Afghanistan—millions of people who never posed a threat. Don’t ask where this fits into "our way of life," unless you are calculating the resources and weaponry being stolen and sold.

Americans are caught in an ironic, bipolar reality war in which we are told on one hand that the Democratic and Republican parties represent "our best interests" and the Constitutional government is based on the consent of the People. Yet day by day, from 9-11-2001 to this hour, we are reminded that a secret complex of agencies like the CIA and NSA, the gigantic military establishment and related corporate profiteers are the ones actually in charge, with barely any oversight, unknown, cosmic-level shadow budgets, and criminal activities of such derangement to shame all human beings.
We are now asked to look the other way as torture, imprisonment in cages for years without trial, terroristic attacks on our country, theft of trillions of dollars, lying and fascistic propaganda are deployed upon us.

"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it." — General Douglas MacArthur, 1957

President Obama has mentioned the "rhetoric" of the Left and the Right, Socialism and Fascism, igniting social unrest. I challenge him to define who, or what is representing the "Left" in American media— since Reagan, we have been pushed so far to the Right we are really no different than fascist Romans or Nazis. Seriously, when all is sorted out, look at what is happening in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan— systematic dehumanization, robotic killing and incineration of entire communities, mind-control programming turning us all into a gigantic killing machine. Just applaud, wave that flag and keep smiling. While bullies and thugs like Limbaugh, Armey, Palin, Rove keep snapping at our heels to remove any rationality from the public dialogue.

As a predominantly European, colonial nation which developed from slavery and genocide of native and African people, it is understandable that we have come a long way in the past century. But not as far as our first African-American President in the White House would like us to believe. The violence and far-right terroristic behavior at recent rallies remind us we are not "United" at all, in fact are under siege. Though we once again got our "hopes" up for real "change" in Washington, DC, it is obvious that President Obama and his adminsitration have very little control over the oil companies, the CIA wars, the investigations and explanation of the 9-11 demolitions, or the far-Right attack dogs in Congress and the media.

I challenge you, any American— to explain two specific items to prove my case. Number one in "unmentionable" subjects, which is not even allowed for discussion in Congress: How and why is Hemp, once America’s signature crop ("Hemp for Victory") still outlawed and classified as a "drug"? This does not even make any logical sense, let alone as a violation of the People’s and states’ rights for agriculture. Notice I didn’t even mention "Marijuana," the medicinal species of Cannabis, for which many thousands of your citizens are rotting away destroyed lives in prison crammed in with rapists and murderers. Now what were you saying about the Government "of the People"? For growing an herb, helicopters come down over our homes, haul away neighbors, confiscate our computers and phones, take away children. This is government way out of control, a militarized, mind-control colony.

Secondly, again in the "unmentionable" category— we are still waiting for anyone to explain how World Trade Center 7, a 47-story superstructure adjacent to the Twin Towers, home to a CIA/NSA emergency response center, was demolished to dust and molten steel only hours after the Twin Towers exploded in free-fall. It appears that nobody in government or media is even allowed to mention the name of the building, let alone air any question about that day. So we have the brainiacs, forensics experts, building architects and engineers, pilots and even MDs challenging the government: the entire premise of your "Terror War" stinks, is rotten to the core. The reasoning Bush used to launch the criminal wars of aggression, the continued justification for humans being killed by robots, our brothers and sisters coming home in boxes—we’re talking crimes and corruption for which there can be no "explanation"—only justice.

"Nationalism is an infantile disease, the measles of mankind."—Albert Einstein

As long as these century-long crimes, from the assassination of our own President in Dallas to the intentional demolition of a financial center in NYC, theft of the entire economy by Wall Street, oil companies and military profiteers, the Bush family/CIA wars around the world which qualify as "Holocaust" are allowed to be "business as usual" or swept aside for the future to deal with, we will be haunted by ghosts, living with cracked mirrors. Continued support for these activities, complicity now in the cover-up, as well as allowing the far-Right in Israel to carry on their genocide against the Palestinian people— don’t be bullied into believing it’s all going to be OK because we’re such "good guys." Now corruption is literally, physically coming home to roost, to coat our entire lives in oily, horrific despair.

The far-Right who are blockading and attacking our society have made it quite clear that they will not accept scientific-environmental demands for sustainability, social needs of the poor, or reduction of the military until we are all living amongst prison camps in a storm-tossed, oil-soaked wasteland—wait, here it comes now!

The broken world we are faced with is a challenge for heroes, for idealists, people with big ideas and even bigger hearts— truthtellers and yes, sometimes the People have to throw themselves on their own government’s bayonets, sometimes our students are mowed down, sometimes we are attacked by dogs. The difference is now we are questioning the very survival of humanity on planet Earth. This time there are nuclear holocausts to question.

So please direct me to the alleged "Left" representatives—where are they? Coast-to-Coast, the UFO people? They jump at war fever the first chance they get. Congressman Kucinich? He’s usually the lone voice in the next room. Huffington Post? They now focus more on Lindsay Lohan’s latest trauma. I’m sorry, our media is dominated by a far-Right Australian corporatist, Mr. Murdoch, and his values, who by the way decided to appoint George W. as the "winner" in Florida. Rush Limbaugh is on the radio here everyday for hours, with no "counterpoint" at all. At every turn, NPR feels compelled to present the "official" military stance on foreign policy. We’ve got the Colbert Report, sometimes SNL, Bill Maher when he’s in a trouble-making mood. I see no "Socialists," let alone Progressives, almost never "Activists" or Idealists allowed into the dialogue. It’s either controlled, bipolar propaganda, or ridicule. It’s a situation Mussolini would applaud. He’d also love our "24" type military killing-as-entertainment industry.

What Mussolini would laugh in disdain at is our American colonial position as the bully-boys for our "Ma Barker" Britain, sacrificing our blood and treasure to reclaim their former colonies. For allowing our economy to be a global money-laundering and embezzlement base, while our own citizens are poverty-stricken and propagandized. Where is there pride in that?

So, please, my brother Barack, whom I love and helped achieve the hallowed Executive Office, we are asking for the meat of these matters, don’t toss us wilted cabbage. The heart of the world is begging for an end to war. That’s the bottom line. We are living as a military colony of enslaved, obedient citizens enabling gigantic killing machines and their weapons to raom the globe. It must come to an end, it WILL come to an end. We demand that it be by intelligence and truth being told, and not by continued criminal corruption and mass incineration. The Gods themselves demand this.

In summary, here’s the view from the far shores of Hawai’i, also a militarized colony where they are currently bombing the hell out of Hawaiians’ most sacred lands, between the biggest volcanoes on the planet: The longer you allow the lies, atacks and corruption to continue, complicit in the cover-ups, CIA "destabilizations" and misdirections, and Bush family war crimes, the more you will allow Fascism to win and rear it’s ugly head once again. We have been witnessing it recently, in the shameful GOP hate-campaign which gave Teddy Kennedy’s seat over to the Dark Side.

Of course, the far-Right may use this Op-Ed as a flog to justify more of their scare-tactics in Congress and the media, an example of the "loony Left"— but I am just a blogger with no real resources, or media coverage, other than Twitter. I’m just a Davy Crockett type dude out on a distant mountain, with an educated, inside track on the past century of warfare.

"When we die and stand before our ancestors, we can say we stood up, we did what we could and did not turn and run." —Lame Deer

Here is my rational argument to every American: how can you claim this government of the miltary contractors and secret "intelligence" agencies succeeded in any way? How much more of a failure of our People and our resources could happen, why are we continuing along behind them as if the machinery is working for us? It’s blood-soaked madness, a Dr. Strangelove nightmare threatening and choking us all for "classified" reasons. And let’s not even get into "Space Command" and what’s going on in those giant bases nobody is allowed to see, the underground cities and "continuity of operations" facilities you won’t be invited to.

This is my parting advice to all Americans: listen to the veterans. Start with CIA and Sepcial Forces veterans, go to http://CosmoCorps.org and look for Jesse Ventura, John Stockwell— can you handle the truth?

If Congress had been listening to our wounded warriors and intelligence dissidents, the Bush family would be in prison long ago. You’ll find Cheney, Rumsfeld & Blackwater also at the crux of the 9-11 events, the resource wars, and war profiteering in general. This is why there is a Constitution which specifically warns about these "high crimes" and treasonous tyranny. Who has the courage to confront the CIA/Pentagon? Ask Director Gates.

B.Z. Burnbridge Cinco de Mayo, 2010 http://CosmoCorps.org Twt: @CosmoCorps

"The industrial way of life leads to the industrial way of death. From Shiloh to Dachau, from Antietam to Stalingrad, from Hiroshima to Vietnam and Afghanistan, the great specialty of industry and technology has been the mass production of human corpses."
— Edward Abbey

CIA Secret Wars w/ Col. John Stockwell: Gross Millions Dead

An overview of the Bush-CIA wars, covert & now the "foreign policy" of the thoroughly corrupted USA under the far-right "Reagan Revolution"— now surrender everything you have, know & believe. Secret agencies now control your destiny...


WTC 7: Building within a building

Before the destruction, original WTC 7 was a home to a line of famous tenants on its 47 floors. The building was the headquarters of financial institutions and insurance companies, IRS was situated on the 24th and 25th floor, US secret services inhabited the 9th and 10th floor, while after September 11 New York Times published that even CIA was among the tenants. WTC 7 also served as a state of emergency department, mayor Giuliani`s commanding centre was on the 23rd floor and was additionally insured after the first attack on WTC (1993). When it comes to the construction of the building itself, then we are talking of a real “fortress”, a building within a building.

Controlled implosion

In 2006, on Dutch TV, a show was screened in which an explosives expert Danny Jowenko confirms what everyone who saw the building number 7 implosion saw with their own eyes. Without knowing that it is a skyscraper that collapsed on September 11, Jowenko was asked to give his expert opinion. You can see his honest assessment here.

We have come to an irrefutable fact; WTC 7 was overthrown by a controlled implosion. The building disappeared in a free fall, in only 6.5 seconds. It is extremely easy to find details linked with this “most probable of hypotheses” online. The only problem is that an honest answer opens a whole lot of new, equally honest, very serious and extremely worrying questions. Questions that deserve a new, this time truly independent inquest of events that occurred on September 11, an inquest that will reveal the actual perpetrators of the greatest crime of modern history.

"People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster."
— James Baldwin

Devil on the Warpath

Spiralling in sparkling glitter
starry with gold and neon
from Sin City’s flashing strip
out to the edges of extinction

Billions of blinking baboon brains
attuned to telly tubes twirling
wheels spinning a world’s prize money
flickering flames of posh distinction

Blinging and banging with super style
diamonds swinging champagne swirling
high above traffic in penthouse suite
living luxuriously milk and honey

Beyond the Mirage and desert heat
borders barbed wire baked bones
bomb silos beamships burning atoms
blazed into the world’s mind afire

Reflecting through tinted towers
on Lucifer’s lenses and death’s desire
lucky Hellions who afford the armor
arch angels above who own our eyes

Root for the troops trigger the tanks
make way a parade for Lord of the Flies
snaking of funerals flapping of flags
polished coffins prayers and flames

War lovely war and plunder
demons take flight raising Hell
blasting now global fire and thunder
as ice and dice clink in Liar games

Devils love God to let loose blood
while it flows so power snakes in
with a flick and a click of pleasure
infernal twists of wicked wonder

God the TV cries wants evil dead
our side’s goodness brings treasure
Buy! they say these powerful things
Old Angel pours a bottle of broken dreams

War is a holiday for maggots and kings
another bloody sequel for your Lord’s Rings
while the Fiend munches skin rinds
tweaking hateful knobs by their blunder

BeeZeeB Irregular Unit
Twt: @SubversiveSyrup

Bush Family Dynasty of Mass Murdering War Profiteers

Four generations of the sociopathic predator George W. Bush family have been attacking the human race through stealth practices, and contributing to the mass murder of millions of people. The Bush family has financed, aided and abetted, and collaborated with the most evil dictators and tyrants of the 20th century. Prescott Bush became Hitler’s banker when he became Fritz Thyssen’s banker. The incredible loot Fritz’s father made in steel, coal, and railroads during WWI was hidden in Holland. Shortly afterwards he was looking to spread some in America and opened a front operation through E.R. Harriman in New York City.


Heirs to the Holocaust: Prescott Bush, Thyssen, Auschwitz: How the Bush family wealth is linked to the Jewish Holocaust


Operation MK Ultra Nazi-CIA Mind Control History GNN Docu

SLAP! Shake the hell up, people! TAKE BACK YOUR REALITY... break the rusty chains of white supremacist mental slavery. Confront the cowboys, bullies & goons, and TELL THE TRUTH. Mother always said that was the best policy.


Kurt Vonnegut’s Last Book, a Merciless Indictment of the Bush Regime—
on "Psychopathic Personality Syndrome"

"I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened, though, is that it has been taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-style coup d’etat imaginable. And those now in charge of the federal government are upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka "Christians," and plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or "PPs."

To say somebody is a PP is to make a perfectly respectable medical diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete’s foot. The classic medical text on PPs is The Mask of Sanity by Dr. Hervey Cleckley. Read it! PPs are presentable, they know full well the suffering their actions may cause others, but they do not care. They cannot care because they are nuts. They have a screw loose!

And what syndrome better describes so many executives at Enron and WorldCom and on and on, who have enriched themselves while ruining their employees and investors and country, and who still feel as pure as the driven snow, no matter what anybody may say to or about them? And so many of these heartless PPs now hold big jobs in our federal government, as though they were leaders instead of sick.

What has allowed so many PPs to rise so high in corporations, and now in government, is that they are so decisive. Unlike normal people, they are never filled with doubts, for the simple reason that they cannot care what happens next. Simply can’t. Do this! Do that! Mobilize the reserves! Privatize the public schools! Attack Iraq! Cut health care! Tap everybody’s telephone! Cut taxes on the rich! Build a trillion-dollar missile shield! Fuck habeas corpus and the Sierra Club and In These Times, and kiss my ass!"

— Kurt Vonnegut, In Memorium

Jesse Ventura, former Special Forces & Governor, promotes "American Conspiracies" on The View: [-<http://bit.ly/bakBy0]> http://belacquajones.blogspot.com]