A.N.S.W.E.R.: Full Rights for Immigrants! Legalization Now!
Today in downtown Los Angeles, over 1 million people demonstrated in support of immigrant rights. This was the largest demonstration in the history of California. March organizers announced from the stage that the crowd was over 1 million. Univision and other Spanish-language television reported that up to 2 million people marched. The Los Angeles Times, reflecting police estimates, gave the march 500,000 - police estimates have (…)
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The "without" - Migrants
The largest demonstration in the history of California: Over 1 Million Protest in Los Angeles for I
26 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
NAFTA and Nativism
11 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
By Harold Meyerson
Everybody talks about globalization; nobody ever does anything about it. The world labor market looms over every horizon with its promise of cheaper goods and lower pay. The public is skeptical, rightly, about the benefits of globalization, but the process of harnessing it, of writing enforceable rules that would benefit not just investors but most of our citizens, is hard to even conceive. And so globalization is experienced by many Americans as a loss of control. (…) -
Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives
2 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsby Paul Joseph Watson
In another shining example of modern day corporate fascism, it was announced recently that Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency.
The language of the preamble to the agreement veils the program with talk of temporary migrant holding centers, but it is made clear that the camps will also be used "as the (…) -
The War on Immigrants. Get ready for a Republican assault their opportunity for election-year demagogy
4 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
By Harold Meyerson
The conventional wisdom is still unpersuaded that the Republican Party is about to mount a full-force attack on American’s undocumented immigrants — of whom, by some counts, there are 11 million. After all, the Republicans are the party of employers — large (agribusiness), medium (construction companies), and small (restaurateurs) — who have long depended on immigrants for cheap labor. The cheap labor sectors of American capitalism are a huge source of donations for the (…) -
Global Migration Coursing Through Mexico
22 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
By Michael Flynn
President Bush’s “comprehensive strategy” on border security aimed at preventing “people from coming here in the first place,” announced last month, does nothing to address the growing phenomenon of global migration. What’s more, it leaves Mexico to clean up a mess it didn’t make.
According to the UN’s Global Commission on International Migration, the number of people worldwide living outside their country of birth has doubled in the past 25 years, rising to more than (…) -
The Border Is a Common Ground between Us
22 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
By David Bacon
The House of Representatives has just passed HR 4437, by Wisconsin Republican James Sensenbrenner, incredibly with the votes of over 30 Democrats. It is the most repressive immigration bill in decades, and would deprive immigrants of important due process rights, divide families, criminalize undocumented status, and drive those without papers even further underground. Other Congressional proposals are even more extreme. Some, like Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo, (…) -
Time To Say No
21 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
By David Bacon
It’s time to say no.
Every new Republican proposal for immigration reform in Congress makes the prospect for winning legal status for the nation’s 12 million undocumented residents more remote. At the same time, Congress appears ready to pass measures that will increase border deaths, lead to wholesale violations of workers’ rights, and give the country’s largest corporations a huge new bracero program.
Supporters of immigrant and workers’ rights face a moment of truth. (…) -
Censored document reveals increased transit facilities for the USA to use EU airports to move people
18 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentEU-USA: Rendition and removing refugees raise the same issue: Censored document reveals increased transit facilities for the USA to use EU airports to move people around the world
There has been an informal agreement between the EU and the USA that flights to and from the USA can stop-over in transit at EU airports since around 1998 (see EU docs no: 13554/97 and 6541/1/98). The USA requested these "facilities" into order to send people back to Africa, the Middle East and Asia. No figures (…) -
Who’s Starting Riots? Who Benefits: New Powers for Police to Crack Down on Sydney rioters
14 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentPolice in Sydney will be given tough new powers to crack down on rioters who have rampaged through the city’s southern beachside suburbs for two nights, New South Wales state leader Morris Iemma announced Tuesday. ’’New South Wales parliament will be recalled for a special emergency sitting on Thursday morning to provide police with extra powers to deal with criminals and thugs who are causing disturbances across our city,’’ Iemma said. He was talking after a second night of race riots (…)
18 November 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
By Roberto Lovato
Halliburton and its subcontractors hired hundreds of undocumented Latino workers to clean up after Katrina — only to mistreat them and throw them out without pay.
Arnulfo Martinez recalls seeing lots of hombres del ejercito standing at attention. Though he was living on the Belle Chasse Naval Base near New Orleans when President Bush spoke there on Oct. 11, he didn’t understand anything the ruddy man in the rolled-up sleeves was saying to the troops. Martinez, 16, (…)