15 hours of hell at the hands of immigration who knew they were coming
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | June 8 2006
Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which starts today.
The group were detained at 11:45pm last night and only released after 2pm today.
Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought (…)
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The "without" - Migrants
Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group
8 June 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
7 June 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsDon’t let anyone fool you , the loss by Francine Busby , the Democratic nominee for the open seat previously held convicted felon Randy Duke Cunningham was a failure of catastrophic proportion The Kerry % of the vote in CA ( 50 ) in 2004 : 45% The Busby % of the vote in the open April primary : 45 % .. The Busby % of the vote in the election held yesterday : 45 %.. Busby seems like a perfectly fine person
In "04 she received 38 % of the vote in her contest with incumbent Cunningham (…) -
Teamsters: Changing to Win?
4 June 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Chances are you haven’t heard of Silver Capital, a small, now-defunct Chicago-based company that used to manufacture mirrors, frames and glass-cutting boards.
Silver Capital’s workers were mostly Mexican immigrants, working for substandard wages and zero benefits—no healthcare, no pensions, no sick days. And no matter what the auto companies tell you, manufacturing work is not fun. Silver Capital workers suffered severe injuries (fingers chopped off, limbs gouged) and (…) -
Getting No Bill at All Is Better Than Senate Bill
28 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by David Bacon
Editor’s Note: Many grassroots immigrant rights groups outside Washington, D.C., say that failure to pass any immigration reform is better than any possible combination of the current House and Senate immigration bills. David Bacon is an associate editor at New America Media and author of "The Children of NAFTA" (University of California Press, 2004). He sits on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Committee of the Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition.
U.S. Plan to Lure Nurses May Hurt Poor Nations
28 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsBy CELIA W. DUGGER
Correction Appended
As the United States runs short of nurses, senators are looking abroad. A little-noticed provision in their immigration bill would throw open the gate to nurses and, some fear, drain them from the world’s developing countries.
The legislation is expected to pass this week, and the Senate provision, which removes the limit on the number of nurses who can immigrate, has been largely overlooked in the emotional debate over illegal immigration. (…) -
IMMIGRATING TO EUROPE: Italy May Loosen its Borders
28 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
A left-wing minister just appointed by Prime Minister Romano Prodi has outraged his opponents with a plan to legalize any foreigner in Italy with a job. The dust-up recalls a recent controversy in the US over "amnesty" for illegal aliens.
First it was the United States that began wrestling with how to deal with a ballooning illegal immigrant population. Next came Spain, as would-be African immigrants have begun targeting the Canary Islands off the west coast of Africa as a possible new (…) -
Rising Wages for Nurses? Nanny State to the Rescue
28 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
By Dean Baker
The New York Times had an article today that inadvertently revealed a huge amount about how wages are set in the US economy ("US Plan to Lure Nurses May Hurt Poor Nations," 5-24-06; A1). We all know the official story - wages are supposed to be set by the market, our old friends supply and demand. When certain skills are in short supply, the wages for workers with these skills are bid up. This leads more people to acquire the skills and may also reduce the demand. Eventually, (…) -
Need Not Run
26 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsIMHO, none of these Senators need run for (Corporate) President of the United States.
Voting "Yea" — S. 2611 (Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 )
The Senate version ought to be DOA in the House. Akaka (D-HI) Baucus (D-MT) Bayh (D-IN) Bennett (R-UT) Biden (D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Boxer (D-CA) Brownback (R-KS) Cantwell (D-WA) Carper (D-DE) Chafee (R-RI) Clinton (D-NY) Coleman (R-MN) Collins (R-ME) Conrad (D-ND) Craig (R-ID) Dayton (D-MN) DeWine (R-OH) Dodd (D-CT) Domenici (…) -
Sucks to be you! Americans’ unforgivable attitude toward immigration
24 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
By Daniel Patrick Welch
Those who wish to read US history undistorted, rather than use its mythology for their own ends, are already hip to the never-ending plight of immigrants to "America"’s shores. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
Lazarus’ famous poem, like its namesake, winds up rising from the dead, or rather, (…) -
Short summary from the migrants network at the ESF in Athens
23 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The fourth ESF gives a strong place to the migration struggles, analyses and demands.
The several meetings and seminars aimed at the European and transnational dimension of migrants’ movement and struggles.
More or less every day we can find all over Europe, and not only Europe, protests and campaigns against camps and deportations, for asylum rights for women and men, for a european citizenship of residence and against exploitation of migrant labour.
In this frame, we want to propose (…)