Home > Vietnam : The victims of Agent Orange and other chemical weapons
Vietnam : The victims of Agent Orange and other chemical weapons
by Open-Publishing - Thursday 10 April 20081 comment
Wars and conflicts International Health History
The victims of Agent Orange and other chemical weapons that were dropped on people.

Video (21’):
Forum posts
23 April 2008, 06:36, by sue
My husband was in Viet Nam and was sprayed with Agent Orange. By age 42 he had Multiple Myeloma and has fought a courageous battle since then. We have 3 children all born without visable birth defects, but as they grow I am wondering if they were affected by this incideous chemical.
Our oldest (age 21) suffers from panic disorders and has complained about his knees for several years. By 17 he had knee surgery, and still he limits his activities because of pain.
Our middle child (age 18) has ADD, knee problems, and back problems. i am beginning to wonder if he has learning disabilities as well. I can’t explain his apathy for learning. It’s as if he wants to learn, and he thinks he has it, but then it’s not there. I know this sounds like many teenagers but even his teachers are baffled.
Our daughter (age 16) has in the past several months, been diagnosed with chest wall pain, whatever that is. It is unexplained by doctors, but they all say it is definately her chest wall, not her heart, alrhough they also told her she had costrocondritis. But this has lasted for 5 month now. They all agree it should be gone by now. Prior to this about 5 years ago she was diagnosed with spondeltheses. She suffers constantly from swollen lymph glands and a sore throat. Mono, strep, flu, and cancer have always been ruled out.
In speaking with another mother with children from a Viet Nam vet, her daughter is suffering the same thing. I am wondering if anyone out there has experienced any of these things with their children?