Home > World-famous new service Information Clearing House publishes new blog on EU (…)

World-famous new service Information Clearing House publishes new blog on EU server

by Open-Publishing - Monday 22 January 2007

Internet Wars and conflicts USA

Introducing www.ichblog.eu

Hi This is Tom.

We have developed a new sister website for ICH readers and would like to take a moment to provide some information, which I hope will allow you to take advantage of the benefits this sister website offers to those who wish to take a more active role in helping to share news and information with fellow ICH readers.

First let me reassure you that this new website will not in any way replace www.informationclearinghouse.info or interfere with the daily newsletter.

www.ichblog.eu will carry the opinion pieces that appear at the top of each newsletter.

Registering as a member of ichblog.eu will allow you the ability to open your own blog and post other information that you feel needs to be brought to the publics attention. There is no charge for membership. It is FREE .

www.ichblog.eu is located on a server in Holland (hence the .eu in the domain name) Holland is well know for its privacy laws http://home.planet.nl/~privacy1/ and will serve well as a home for free speech, in the event that our liberties as U.S. citizens may be curtailed or restricted at any time in the future.

I would ask that you post any questions you may have here [ http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/40/2/ ] and we will do our best to provide a timely response. May I also ask you to help in answering questions that others readers may post .

Please note -

At the top right hand corner of each article you will notice a number of icons which when depressed will allow you to increase/decrease the page and font sizes.

On the top right you will also notice 3 icons PDF, Print and email.

Clicking on the PDF icon will allow you to save a copy of the article in PDF format to your hard drive.

Clicking on the printer icon will allow you to print the article.

Clicking on the email icon will allow you to forward the article to friends or interested parties.

At the base of each article appearing on ichblog.eu there is a facility which will allow readers to post comments or further information relating to the essay. Registration is not required in order to post a comment.

At the top of each article there is a facility which will allow you to provide a "user rating".

At the base of each article you will notice flags from various nations. Clicking on a corresponding flag will translate the article for you.

I hope this short note helps answer some of your questions.

I ask that you don’t respond directly to this email. It is best if you visit http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/40/2/ and provide us with your insights and advice.

Peace & Joy

Tom Feeley

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