Home > Karl Rove Bio - Conservative or Crook?

Karl Rove Bio - Conservative or Crook?

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 6 July 2005

Parties Governments Secret Services USA

It’s hard to imagine how Karl Rove’s appearance could fit his role any more perfectly than it does.

Portly, balding, malicious, simpering, he looks like a cross between Sesame Street’s Mr. Hooper and the Third Reich’s Heinrich Himmler. And he acts like a cross between Heinrich Himmler and Henry Kissinger. Whom he also looks like. And not in a good way.

Oh yeah, he’s a man who compromised national security, putting lives of American agents in danger. Wait, I forgot a word there. What was it? Oh, I remember! Allegedly.

Rove is an old-school political operator who would have been right at home working on Huey Long’s campaign. Of course, Long did a lot of good things for his constituents, to offset the sleaze and corruption. Rove’s protege, George W Bush, has a ways to go in that regard.

Rove was a "Young Republican" back when being a Young Republican wasn’t cool (a historical era ranging from 1959 through the present). As a student at the prestigious University of Utah, Rove (who still had hair at the time) teamed up with a young Lee Atwater to seize control of the College Republicans political club in the early 1970s.

By all accounts, the race for the coveted chairmanship of the meaningless College Republicans organization was a portent of things to come. According to the Washington Post, the two men executed a balls-to-the-wall campaign to put Rove in the catbird’s seat, and once there, he wasted no time getting his group involved in dirty tricks on behalf of Richard M Nixon’s 1972 campaign. You may remember that campaign, it was the beginning of Watergate.

Oxymoronically, Rove dropped out of college to become executive director of the College Republicans, all the while practicing dirty tricks on behalf of the candidates of his choice. According the Post, these tricks included identity theft, petty larceny and campaign fraud. Rove characterized these felonies and misdemeanors as a "youthful prank."

A political visionary, Rove recognized early on that he had the opportunity to leech onto not one, but two failed, third-rate presidents in the form of what is comically referred to as the "Bush Dynasty." Rove worked as an assistant to George Bush Sr. in the Republican National Committee during what is arguably the lowest point in the history of the Republican Party, the aftermath of the Nixon presidency.

For the next decade or so, Rove kept his nose buried up the ass of the nearest Bush. He helped George Jr. embarrass himself in a 1978 congressional bid, then bailed out of Bush Sr.’s first and failed presidential bid in 1979.

He maintained a close buddyship with the future president Junior, however. In a high point of Time Magazine’s history of powerful journalistic coverage, a 2001 report revealed that George W. Bush’s pet name for Rove is "Turd Blossom." No, really.

Rove helped Bush Jr. transform himself from rich-dilletante wastrel into rich-dilletante-wastrel-with-power in 1994, acting as his political adviser in Dubya’s successful run for Texas governor. According to ABC News, more than half of the campaign’s nearly $1 million budget went to Rove. Considering the challenge of making Bush look good, the sum was probably not out of line.

Rove’s tactics tend toward making politics more about playing percentages than kissing babies. An early adopter of direct mail and targeted computer lists, Rove is widely credited with making the Texas GOP the cash cow is today. He also specialized in converting conservative Democrats who were already Republicans in every meaningful sense into Republicans in name as well, including arch-conservative and failed presidential candidate Phil Gramm, who suspiciously resembles a much thinner version of Rove himself.

Brought in to shepherd Junior to his rightful place as chief executive of the last superpower, Rove was largely responsible for creating the veneer of "compassionate conservatism" that led George Jr. to his triumphant loss in the 2000 presidential election.

First, Rove and his little buddy had to beat off a surprise primary challenge from charismatic war hero John McCain, whose sacrifices in a military prison camp in Vietnam looked all the more impressive against Bush’s no-show National Guard travesty. Rove conducted a whisper-campaign to spread sleaze, pushing ridiculous allegations, such as that McCain was a stoolie while imprisoned in Vietnam. Rove was reputedly the brains behind a sleazy e-mail forward that alleged McCain had fathered an illegitimate black daughter, a lie which was "proven" by actual pictures of McCain with his black daughter, whom he had actually adopted.

Obviously, McCain should have been drinking and snorting coke throughout the ’70s, rather than serving his country, enduring torture and adopting children. Bush trampled the challenger handily, and moved on to the general election, where he faced Vice President Al Gore.

Despite running against the stiffest Democratic candidate since Adlai Stevenson, Dubya couldn’t quite clear the hurdle in the nationwide popular vote, which he lost by a margin five times larger than Nixon lost to Kennedy in 1960.
But the pesky little electoral college thing sank Gore, thanks to Jeb and Florida. As early as Labor Day, Rove was doing the usual political dance and predicting it would be a close race. And how close it was! As mentioned above, Gore won the popular vote by a small but convincing margin. However, the electoral college ? which actually dictates who will become president ? was right down to the wire. The outcome of the election rode on the election results in Florida, which Gov. Jeb Bush had promised to "deliver" for his brother.

You all remember Florida. We won’t beat it to death again here. Karl Rove’s role in Florida was "damage control," and there was a lot of damage to control. Rove’s basic public strategy consisted of "we won, so leave us alone." Voting irregularities, mandated recounts — these things were trivia, bureaucracy, Democratic dirty tricks. "We won" was the message of the day.

Privately, of course, the Bush team was far from certain that they had, in fact, won. Jeb Bush promised to stay out of the recount debate, and instead entrusted it to his political appointees, who lived for no other reason than to curry favor. Rove didn’t like the looks of this, so he stacked the deck in every conceivable way.

Among the tactics he employed: Loading Republican operatives from Washington, D.C., onto a bus and sending them to Florida, where they played the part of "angry mob" shouting and intimidating the hapless bureaucrats who had been lumped with the unenviable job of evaluating the ballots. Ah, those youthful pranks!

In the end, Bush came out on top, of course, catapulting Rove into a position of power that few Mr. Hooper-lookalikes have ever achieved. Although the White House repeatedly insisted that Rove had no policy-making role, the advice of his "White House Office of Strategic Initiatives" was sought on virtually every major decision that Bush administration faced.

After September 11, Rove found himself feeling cranky, according to investigative reporter Bob Woodward. Rove was pissed off because he wasn’t being allowed to sit in on National Security Council and war cabinet meetings. Bush and Dick Cheney were afraid the politico’s presence would send the wrong message.

Bear in mind, it wasn’t that Rove wasn’t being consulted. He was consulted about every single thing that happened in the White House and every decision that emerged from the Oval Office. He just wasn’t being allowed to sit at the meetings himself. He had to get his updates after the fact from Bush, Cheney and Condoleezza Rice.

Despite his enormous power, Rove was mostly spared any real scrutiny by the mainstream media, which preferred to write with grudging admiration about his alleged political skills and chuckle over the "Turd Blossom" thing. By the time the Iraq invasion rolled around, Rove was back to sitting in the meetings.

His thoughtful evaluation (told to Woodward) of the ramifications of invading a sovereign country and deposing its leader? "The victor is always right."

Until late 2003, anyway, when an ugly little incident revealed just how dark the dark side of Karl Rove could be, in a burgeoning scandal that could have serious consequences for the Bush White House.

A former U.S. ambassador by the name of Joseph Wilson was one of the biggest political liabilities the White House faced in 2003. Wilson had been dispatched to Niger early in 2002 to investigate whether Iraq was trying to buy uranium there. Turns out, they weren’t.

He reported this information back to the White House, which promptly ignored it. Bush cited the uranium story in his 2003 State of the Union address, Cheney cited it repeatedly, and the State Department cited it in several of its endless justifications for why the U.S. just had to invade Iraq.

When the war was "over" and still no Weapons of Mass Destruction had been found, Wilson pointed out to the media that he had TOLD the White House that there was no uranium purchase. He wrote about his fact-finding trip in the New York Times as well.

This did not please the White House. It was bad for politics, bad for poll numbers. And when the poll numbers are threatened, Karl Rove gets cranky. Homicidally cranky, apparently. Did I say apparently? I meant allegedly.

In July 2003, arch-conservative Robert Novak reported that Wilson’s wife was a CIA agent, blowing her cover and endangering her life, not to mention national security. (Inexplicably, no one has gone after Novak over this issue.)

Wilson and his wife didn’t take this lying down. They came out swinging. Wilson accused Rove of being the source for the leak that endangered his wife’s life and destroyed her career.

"Rove is someone who at a minimum would have condoned it and certainly did nothing to knock it down for over a week after the article appeared. The outing of my wife was obviously a political or communications move. The head of the political operation is Karl Rove," Wilson told reporters.

In late September, the Justice Department launched a full criminal investigation into the leak, which is an aggravated felony punishable by up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine (which actually seems a little low for treasonous activity and political intimidation designed to silence political opposition and whistleblowing).

The White House has refused to speculate on the source of the leak. Not only has it refused it speculate, it’s actually refused to care. Despite widespread outrage, the White House declined to launch an internal investigation of the leak, with a Bush flak saying that it was "ridiculous" to suggest Rove was involved, and that "there has been absolutely nothing brought to our attention to suggest any White House involvement." I guess they don’t get CNN on the cable system there.

Needless to say, the prospect of the Bush Justice Department investigating a Bush political operative doesn’t thrill Democrats, who have already called for an independent counsel investigation.

Fortunately for Republicans, the party leadership cleverly disabused the nation about the worth of special prosecutors and impeachment proceedings a few years ago, when they hounded Bill Clinton into a constitutional crisis over blow jobs.

Considering the mounting list of actual scandals the Bushies are racking up, that strategy is proving to be prescient. Most Americans are about as thrilled at the prospect of a special prosecutor as they are at the prospect of a root canal.

In the meantime, just remember: don’t cross Karl Rove. Whoops! We just did... dammit!


25 Dec 1950 Karl Rove born, Denver CO.
1970 Karl Rove sneaks into the campaign office of Illinois Democrat Alan Dixon and steals some letterhead. He then prints up 1,000 party invitations promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing," which he then distributes to homeless shelters.
1971 Drops out, University of Utah.
1980 First person hired by the George HW Bush presidential campaign.
1981 Starts political consulting firm Karl Rove & Co.
Mar 1991 Testifying under oath before the Texas Senate for an appointment to the Texas State University Board of Regents, Karl Rove prefigures Bill Clinton:
SENATOR GLASGOW: How long have you known an FBI agent by the name of Greg Rampton?
ROVE: Ah, senator, it depends — would you define "know" for me?
1993 John Ashcroft campaign pays Karl Rove & Co. over $300,000 to help with his senate race. New York Times.
1999 The George W Bush campaign effort pays Karl Rove & Co. $2.5M for July through December. According to Rove, "About 30 percent of that is postage."
1999 Sells Karl Rove & Co..
Dec 2000 Signs a campaign disclosure form, but neglects to mention he is still President of Karl Rove & Co.
Mar 2001 White House political adviser Karl Rove meets with executives from Intel, seeking approval for a merger between a Dutch company and an Intel supplier. The government rubberstamps the deal, and Rove’s $100,000 in Intel stock surges.
Apr 2001 Arnold Schwarzenegger meets with Bush political advisers to discuss whether the actor should run for Governor of California in 2002. Karl Rove says "That would be really nice. That would be really, really nice."
Jun 2001 White House political adviser Karl Rove meets with two pharmaceutical industry lobbyists. At the time, Rove holds almost $250,000 in drug industry stocks.
Jun 2001 White House political adviser Karl Rove meets with a group of Muslim activists including Sami Al-Arian.
12 Mar 2000 George W Bush and his wife Laura are photographed with Karl Rove, during a campaign stop at the Florida Strawberry Festival.
30 Jun 2001 White House political adviser Karl Rove divests his stocks in 23 companies, which included more than $100,000 in each Enron, Boeing, General Electric, and Pfizer.
30 Jun 2001 The White House admits that political adviser Karl Rove was involved in administration energy policy meetings, while at the same time holding stock in energy companies including Enron.
10 Apr 2003 Arnold Schwarzenegger meets with White House political adviser Karl Rove to discuss anything other than whether the actor should run for Governor of California in 2006.
14 May 2003 During a meeting with South Korean president Roh Moo-hyun, President George W Bush brings only two officials: National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and political adviser Karl Rove.
29 Aug 2003 Retired ambassador Joseph C. Wilson names Karl Rove as the White House insider who leaked his wife’s identity as a CIA operative to the press.
28 Mar 2004 Several hundred supporters of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act pile out of school busses in front of Karl Rove’s house in Washington D.C., swarming onto his front lawn and shouting for him to support the act. Rove appears briefly to order the mob off his property, at which point they rush his house, banging on the windows and doors. He finally agrees to talk to two representatives if the mob disperses; they do, and after a couple minutes of discussion he shuts the door on them midsentence.


Forum posts

  • Well I share your indignation about Karl Rove. It concerns
    me when we critisize those individuals we see as unamerican
    or undemocratic using their physical characteristics. Many fabulous
    folks could be described as bolding and portly. Those
    qualities are not the problem with Karl Rove.

    • Stay tuned for more fireworks... if Karl Rove didn’t exist, Shakespeare would have to invent him.

    • No, look into his EYES man his EYES!!!!

    • To anyone who cares, Karl Rove is a republican right wing ideolog and as such he behaves as though the interests and goals of the republican party are naturally more important than what is good for our nation....they put the party first and the the nation last...... this is not what the fathers of our american constitution had in mind.........the people are not prisoners of the state that is totalitarianism and fascism........the state by definition should be organised to reflect a governmentm by the people,for the people and of the people......there Karl Rove is way out of line...........A Citizen....

  • Interesting to note that rotten.com originally published this article...And later, in a highly selective act of censorship, the federal government shut down rottens ratemyboobies.com under a new iterpretation of a law. see:
    for more details. Maybe Karl Rove was behind it!!! :)

  • Le vostre condizioni della sezione di commento: "caution : we will erase messages with caractere defamatory, abusive, xenophobe, sexist, the threats, politic and commercial advertising..." Quella media che dovreste cancellare il vostro "articolo" sul Karl Rove bio?

  • Thanks again,
    You people helped us reelect G.Bush to a second term and now it is good to see that you are paving the way for our next election. Keep up the good work and brush your teeth.
    Thanks Tom

  • I went to college with his main assistant, Barry Jackson. Jackson used cash from a national slush fund to steal elections at the University of Iowa, in the early 1980s. There’s a whole nest of these scumbags.

    • I just think it’s weird that he’s gay on top of it all, makes me wonder about the turd blossom thing, sounds like a bedroom name.

    • How do we know that Karl is gay? Gay or straight who would want him?

    • Karl hangs out in the gay night clubs....straight guys do not go alone to the gay bars.....he is the one who introduced the white house bunch to Jeffy Lube Gannon the white house shill plant that attended all of the white house news conferences without any credentials on day passes issued by Rove’s request and had the free roam of the white house on many occasions like he was one of the family, not having to sign in or out like a normal guest. If any of you do not already know...Jeffy is the fake reporter who would ask demeaning questions about any report ahat was critical of Bush and company. Jeffy had 3 0r 4 web sites where he appeared with his crotch shots and advertise himself at $100.00 bucks an hour or $1200.00 bucks for the weekend as a male prostitute....how did Karl know him and why wasn’t he outed at the time of that scandal....if it had been anyone associated with Clinton they would still be trying to hang the guy and it would be in all of the newspapers and non stop on t.v. for months....


  • That funny coming from a bunch of nations that started the Nazi movement.

    Europe is the home of the Nazi movement!!!!!

    • Exactly, Germany is also the home of modern right wing republican thinking as well. Ever hear of Skull & Bones? Did you know that 3 generations of the Bush family were members of this organization? Didn’t think so.

    • You don’t go far enough! Two of Bush’s grandfathers were MAJOR backers of the Hitler regime and were money-launderers for the Nazi party. Just google George Bush and Nazis and read the whole sordid tale. Also, Karl Rove’s grandfather, Karl Roverer, was head of THE NAZI PARTY for his region, and was also......SENIOR ENGINEER AND PART OWNER OF THE COMPANY THAT BUILT BIRKENAU DEATH CAMP!!! This is a pattern of conduct that is taking years to come into fruition, turning the US into a fascist state. All this is no coincidence!