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Une étude du Congrès estime que de 26000 à 56000 mercenaires seront requis en Afghanistan.

Publie le samedi 19 décembre 2009 par Open-Publishing
2 commentaires

Etats-Unis : une étude du Congrès estime que de 26000 à 56000 mercenaires seront requis en soutien logistique au contingent envoyé en Afghanistan.

The surge of 30,000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan could be accompanied by a surge of up to 56,000 contractors, vastly expanding the presence of personnel from the U.S. private sector in a war zone, according to a study by the Congressional Research Service.

CRS, which provides background information to members of Congress on a bipartisan basis, said it expects an additional 26,000 to 56,000 contractors to be sent to Afghanistan. That would bring the number of contractors in the country to anywhere from 130,000 to 160,000.

Article signalé par Contreinfo.
