Home > As Democrats, we must not fear in speaking of God
As Democrats, we must not fear in speaking of God
by Open-Publishing - Friday 3 November 20068 comments
Wars and conflicts Parties International Religions-Beliefs USA Mary MacElveen
As Democrats, we must not fear in speaking of God
By Mary MacElveen
November 3, 2006
If we are to believe that we live in a country based upon Christian values in which Bush and those like him wear God on their sleeve, as evident with the war in Iraq, in which Bush and the Republicans have broken some of the Ten Commandments. We must face up to the fact; we have not been living up to our Christian values. The reason why I only mention Christianity is because most that have led this nation during these past six years are for the most part Christians or so they will have you believe.
As a person of faith, I was pleased to read this article Democrats find religion, churchgoing voters. I am of the belief that no one should fear speaking out of ones faith in God. In times like this when people are feeling depressed, angry and anxious we all need faith in God, a higher power, Allah or whatever one of a different faith calls their God. I suppose as many have seen the casualty rate of our soldiers rise, many have prayed to God to end this war. I suppose as we hear of how many innocent Iraqis have been killed we privately pray for forgiveness.
I am also of the belief that no one political party has the right to co-opt God and His teachings. But, clearly throughout these past six years, the Republican Party has done a fine job at co-opting God. While they have talked the talk, they have not walked the walk. As they have catered to the evangelicals, they are now beginning to wise up that they have been used. One only has to have seen an interview between Keith Olbermann and David Kuo who wrote the book ‘Tempting Faith’ in which he chronicles how the Bush administration used this movement.
When the Democratic senatorial candidate in Pennsylvania, Bob Casey stated “When we work together for the common good, we can overcome the great moral dilemmas of our time," In my opinion that is an optimistic message that enjoins all of us to work on the side of morality instead of dividing us. We have been divided for six years now. We are facing some tough dilemmas and God has always taught us to use His teachings to benefit mankind and not destroy it.
Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois has said that Democrats must end their reluctance to speak of their faith and so boldly stated “If we don’t reach out to evangelical Christians and other religious Americans and tell them what we stand for, the Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons will continue to hold sway," We need not only as a party but a faithful people be able to say to Falwell and Robertson they know nothing of God’s teachings if they can support Bush’s immoral war in Iraq. Also Robertson called for the assassination of President Chavez of Venezuela. A true man of God would not have said that.
Even Harold Ford Jr. of Tennessee who is in a heated campaign against Corker recently said, “I can’t help it. I love Jesus." None of us should fear saying that we also love Jesus.
I have been an avid fan of this web site LiberalsLikeChrist.org for many years. On the front page of their web site, they boldly state “If Jesus of Nazareth was anything, he was an extraordinary friend of the down- trodden, definitely a Liberal, whose advocacy on their behalf so infuriated the ultra-Conservative religious and political leaders of his day that they had him killed to prevent the public from hearing the very liberal teaching that you will see quoted abundantly in Jesus’ own words on this web site!”
For those of you who have never poured over this site, I highly suggest that you do. In the last few days before Election Day it can only help you frame your debate should you meet with any church going voters. Also, it will give you a better understanding that Christ was a peaceful man and not a man of war.
Prior to 9/11 if Bush was truly a man of faith and in God, you would have thought he would have warned the people he swore upon a Bible to serve. He had all the knowledge right in front of him, yet did nothing with it. He chose to ignore it.
Through lies, Bush targeted the wrong people in Iraq and since then we have seen the deadly consequences. We are presently using depleted uranium which kills people and deforms babies, yet Bush can state he is pro-life? I think that come his personal judgment day, God will be displeased if down right angry with this lone action. Even the late Pope John Paul II stated before he launched the ‘Shock and Awe’ campaign, “You go without God”
Through the funding of this un-Godly war, we have cut many social programs that only go to help the poor and most fragile of this country. By denying people food and health care, while in the same minute killing innocent people that goes against Christ.
It is blasphemous to use God’s name in vain and Bush often does as he invokes God’s name for his selfish and greedy desires to hold onto power.
What I truly find immoral and which goes against God’s teachings is this video called Jesus Camp. Please take note of the brainwashing techniques used in this video and the use of army fatigues to teach these vulnerable children. This is where we as a faithful and loving people must say “Enough!” In watching this, I was terrified that parents could send their children to such a camp. I think that parents would better serve their children if they were to send them to any number of camps in which nature if the focus. God did give us this beautiful planet to live on in a peaceful manner.
As evident with the way we are destroying this Earth through global warming and pollution and yes, our use of depleted uranium, I would think God must be crying a multitude of tears.
Lastly, one only has to open their eyes to see how we as a people have lost our way. We have to open our eyes to the fact that those that have led this country for the past six years have done nothing to honor God but turn away from Him through their words and deeds.
I will leave you with one quote cited by Saint, Joan of Arc in which she said "The poor folk gladly came to me, for I did them no unkindness, but helped them as much as I could."
* Please go to the link above to view all hyperlinks included in the piece.
Forum posts
3 November 2006, 15:11
Here’s the problem....All 3 Yahweh,Jehovah,Allah religions take their orders and inspiration from the SAME EVIL DEMENTED PSEUDO-DIEITY..the one who called himself YAHWEH!! The who designated 1 group of people as his "chosen ones".Ask yourself"CHOSEN FOR WHAT!!??).Aparently the religious leaders of these three VIOLENT ,HUMAN SPIRIT HATING religions can’t seem to come to grips with this fact.Nor is it ever mentioned in any discussion among the great political leaders of the world,who manipulate these "religions".Those of you who continue to pray to this EVIL and support his "chosen people" are dragging us all down into the pits of fear,agony,pain and insanity....in other words you are PRAYING TO VERY EVIL you think you are trying to defeat......WAKE UP GOYIM" ...haven’t you noticed that NOTHING has changed in over 3000 years ,in fact it is now reaching a cataclysmic point of no return....
We have all been scammed by the biggest lie ever perpetrated on humanity!
Sever ties with Israel,the Zionist controlled Federal Reserve and,Take over the media and remove the Zionist owners, and purge our political system of these same SOCIOPATHOLOGICAL CONTROL FREAKS who do the bidding of yahweh..AKA satan...
3 November 2006, 21:22
This response makes about as much sense as the article. They deserve each other.
3 November 2006, 23:00
Marx was right. Religion is the opiate of the masses.
Any mention of "god" in the US seems to automatically equate with ’christian’. Unfortunately, the majority of citizens still don’t uderstand that god is not a member of any religion and christians are not the sole proprietors of truth.
It’s much wiser to follow the the path of the "Deists" who founded this nation. The were not christians and no amount of arguing will make them christians. They were DEISTS - and very intelligent ones at that - quite unlike the current band of religious-fascists running this country and attempting to influence legislation and re-write descriminationo back into the constitution after taking 200 years to remove it.
4 November 2006, 00:32
No offense, but, paraphrasing the immortal words of a Humphrey Bogart antagonist, "We don’t need no stinking deists, either!" If we don’t learn to stand on our own two feet - and real soon - our ancestors will be swinging from trees - and that’s a BIG MAYBE.
4 November 2006, 01:20
Which God are we talking about! What Americans have in mind is the devil!
My God is mercyful and he doesn’t ask for killing civilians in Iraq or elsewhere! My God is a cheering guy who loves humans and would never opress and let them starve.
4 November 2006, 03:58
I find the example set by "Yeshua"/Jesus to be a FINE example of the type of caring individuals that I would love to see much more of in society. FAKE IMO "christians" who seem to me to be "wolves in sheeps clothing" that Yeshua so clearly warned folks about— such as i might say includes Pat "the assassin" Robertson— whose "churchianity" advocates killing those who don’t bow down to " the Seizer"— have simply given Yeshua’s TRUE teachings a "bad name". It is a mistake IMO to fault HONEST Christians who simply try and walk in "The Way" based upon what so called ’x-ians’ like Fallwell, Robertson and yes IMO BUSH do rather than say. KNOW them by their FRUIT. Just ask. Who would Jesus kill for oil and bases and Israel???
4 November 2006, 09:06
Many people throughout history have set fine examples worth following. More recently, two come to mind - Mahatma Ghandi and Mother Theresa.
There’s a vast difference between religion and spirituality. The latter being the golden kernel of truth inside the husk. Some worship the husk.
4 November 2006, 15:13
Well said, you’re right many "worship" the messenger and ignore the message. Others simply hide behind religion, politics, etc. and use it as a front. When one looks at a Christ, or a Ghandi, or a Mother Theresa, or a Buddha perhaps, what they immediately notice though is the similarity of *The Way* of "the life to be lived". I bring up Christianity as an expression of The Way, simply because now it seems more than I can remember in awhile that an Administration is IMO hiding behind Christianity while pursuing an Anti-Christian agenda, leading to some to broad brush casting of Christians in general in a somewhat negative light.
Very few people I have met in my life can find fault with the actual teachings of Christ, which are simply a vein of "truth" extending back even thousands of years before Jesus, that preach, fairness, tolerance, justice, forgiveness, etc.etc. It is rather like all religions, some will seek to pervert the original message and use it against the people in exactly the opposite spirit of the teachings intentions. I think it’s fair warning for any still left unconvinced, the "christianity" of America’s so called "leadership" has NOTHING whatsoever, that I can determine, to do with what Yeshua taught. It is in name only. It is the very "wolves in sheeps clothing" citizens have been warned about. Symbolically, it is "In vain do they worship me, while their heart is far from me".