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‘Descent Into Hell’, 50,000 Lives Bring Apocalyptic Warning to All Citizens of United States...

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 1 September 2005

Wars and conflicts Catastrophes USA

‘Descent Into Hell’, 50,000 Lives Bring Apocalyptic Warning to All Citizens of United States, the World Cries ‘You Are Not Alone’, They Cannot Hear

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers

Russian Intelligence reports are stating this morning that the grave situation developing in the American City of New Orleans can only be described as a ‘Decent Into Hell’, as to this hour over 50,000 human beings of this once great American City remain trapped by rising flood waters with no means for their Government to evacuate all of them.

With no resources available for food, water, shelter, or evacuation, the masses of these peoples have become one of the largest unruly mobs in modern history, and with no police or military forces able to contain them they are presently running rampant throughout what remains of this city in what these reports describe as ‘frantic acts for survival’.

Numerous gun battles between portions of these ‘mobs’ and police forces yesterday had caused their Military Authorities to completely leave this city and declare a State of Martial Law. FSB reports state that many of these gun battles were the result of drug addicts breaking into a large pharmaceutical establishment because of these drug addicts needing drugs to keep from suffering ‘withdrawals’.

These FSB reports further state that this city has broken down into complete ‘mob rule’, with many innocent civilians shot and ‘numerous’ dead bodies lying in the streets.

To the greater issue however is that the American people are viewing for the first time, in many of their memories, what the limitations of State power really are. Only by the deception of words is any government, of any kind, been able to exercise tyrannical authority over their citizens. To the citizens of New Orleans, and among their poorest, who have been left behind and cut off from their normal daily functions, the fallacy of any government being able to control the masses of its citizens is laid completely bare.

Being kept from these American people also by their Military Rulers have been the uncounted offers of assistance from Nations all around the world, including: Venezuela has offered their Medical Airlift Command for the evacuation of peoples trapped in these devastated regions; Holland has offered the resources of their Public Works Ministry (and who are the acknowledged World Experts for below sea level water evacuation procedures); Russia has offered over 100,000 temporary living structures, along with Military Personal to assist their American counterparts; Iran has offered 1 Billion US Dollars in immediate assistance and guaranteed 5,000,000 barrels of oil at $35.00 US Dollars; China has offered their Military Rescue Forces (Who are acknowledged as one of the best in the world for rescuing peoples in flood ravaged areas.)

All of these offers, and more, the Military Leaders of the United States have declined, and for the their previously stated reason: “The United States Government and its People Respectfully Decline your offer of assistance and refer you to our previous State Department Bulletin (NCO:13788) in which we had stated that this remains an internal action.”

This morning remains one of the most critical times in the history of these once great people in America. Only through such unprecedented cataclysms such as they are currently experiencing are they able to break through the lies and distortions of their Military Leaders and Propaganda Media Organs to see, even glimpse, the wholesale lies they are told in order to keep them in a pacified state.

But sadly, and as the events of September 11, 2001 clearly show, the mass of these Americans are willing to believe any and all lies they are told, no matter how absurd, as long as they can be left with the illusion that their lives today will continue into their tomorrows. How sad it is for them to see their world in these terms, but it remains a fact that this is indeed the only way they can cope with a world disintegrating around them.

© August 31, 2005, EU and US all rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]


Forum posts

  • The American administration can’t afford witnesses! Period.

    Hiroshima, Nagasaki - Fallujah - New Orleans places of cowardice and infamy.

  • What have we Americans allowed to happen?
    When corporate America began controlling our local and federal governments, our days of freedom and democracy were
    numbered. Our democratic electoral system
    has been compromised through election fraud and the outcomes choreographed months or even years in advance. The system of checks and balances inherent and guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been invalidated by amendments favoring Corporate America. Our representative form of government no longer exists. Representative of whom?
    Freedom of the press, right to assemble, freedom of speech and expression of opinion are no longer our option. Propaganda, outright lies, media manipulation and White House news releases now are tools of deception used to control American public information. Give Americans just enough to keep them self-satisfied and to prevent revolt. Return $300 in taxes and charge them $4.00 a gallon for gasoline. Tell them John McCain has an illegitimate child and Social Security will fail by 2012. Reduce Medicare benefits to the elderly....keep them guessing and change the subject while fixing the election outcome....its all about CONTROL!
    We are now serfs with no representatives in government and are given just what Corporate America dictates
    ....and we went willingly for the most part, except for a few...traitors? A few who weren’t...patriotic, maybe? Dissenters. People who truly love America and its Constitution and what it once was.
    Those poor unfortunate souls in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama...maybe their suffering and grief and the terrible misery they’ve endured and continue to endure through all this will serve to be a wake-up call to all who witness daily the callous inept behavior of those government leaders who are responsible for the continuing suffering. George Bush did his duty and visited yesterday...complete with photo ops...AND his brain. Today, he played golf.

    I think its time we did something about it.


    • Past time.

      All Americans of intelligence and conscience need to be in the streets on Sept. 24th to claim some people power.