According to the Washington Post, columnist Bob Novak was told by the CIA’s spokesperson that Karl Rove’s story was wrong. Wilson was not sent by his wife to Niger and she was still a covert agent whose name should not be disclosed. [Washington Post, 7/27/05] Nevertheless, Novak still disclosed the agent’s name and went with Rove’s story.
"How far will the Bush smear machine go?" said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. "Novak knew all this and still published his story. (…)
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Secret Services
Dean: How Far Will They Go? CIA Told Novak That Rove’s Story Was Wrong
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
Derail Scandal Train
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentThe Rove Scandal Train is picking up momentum. Just ask Scottie McClellan, who is starting to look more and more like Ron Ziegler with every passing press briefing.
Actually, two separate Rove trains have left the station (and, no, this isn’t going to be one of those old algebra problems they used to give us): the legal train and the political train - heading along two very separate tracks.
But it’s now clear that the White House damage-control team has decided to try to link the two. (…) -
Gonzales Says He Told Card About CIA Probe
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
Attorney General and former White House counsel Alberto Gonzales has admitted that he told White House chief of staff Andrew Card about the impending Justice Department investigation into the Valerie Plame leak a full 12 hours before he directed his staff to secure any materials related to the case. This introduces the very plausible scenario of Card informing Karl Rove and others ahead of time, giving them the opportunity to “prepare” for the investigation.
White House does not (…) -
At the GOP School for Scandal, Monica trumps Rove
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentYou hear it at least once a week: The plaintive moan of a fellow American befuddled by our nation’s odd sense of priorities. It comes out this way: “I can’t believe they tried to impeach Clinton for Monica and yet this gets nothing!”
“This” being, among other things, the WMDs, the Iraq invasion, 25,000 Iraqi civilians dead, Halliburton’s theft of American tax dollars, Bush family connections to Saudis or cartels, the plundering of the environment, armor and supplies for fighting (…) -
Condoleezza Rice at the Center of the Plame Scandal
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsThe Source Beyond Rove
By ROGER MORRIS Former NSC staffer
"We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."
It was September 2002, and then-National Security Advisor, now-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was fastening on CNN perhaps the most memorable and frightening single link in the Bush regime’s chain of lies propagandizing the war on Iraq. Behind her carefully planted one-liner with its grim imagery was the whole larger hoax about Saddam Hussein possessing or about to (…) -
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentOUTING PLAME....Two years ago, when the Valerie Plame affair first surfaced, the conservative response was largely one of yawning silence. Still, the conservatives who did speak up mostly conceded that, yes, if someone in the White House exposed the identity of a CIA agent, it was a bad thing to do. And if it was done as part of a political campaign to discredit a critic, it was an especially bad thing to do.
During the past month, however, the growing evidence that someone in the White (…) -
No More Pardons for Traitor-gate Criminals
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentNo More Pardons for Traitor-gate Criminals
Convicted Previously of National Security Crimes, Elliott Abrams Joins Rove and Libby as Latest Figures Newest Figure in Traitor-gate
Did you know that Elliot Abrams, pardoned by the first President Bush for the Iran-Contra crimes he committed under the Reagan Administration, now works for the Bush White House? And has been implicated in the leak of Valerie Plame’s covert identity?
I have sent a letter to President Bush asking him to say right (…) -
Rove’s Backers Use "CounterSpy Defense" in CIA Leak Case - Video
28 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentWe speak with veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry, who writes that Karl Rove’s defenders are rebutting accusations about the White House aide’s leaking of a CIA officer’s identity by using an argument that parallels a rationale cited by leftists who defended CounterSpy after a CIA officer exposed by the magazine in 1975 was gunned down in Greece. More than two dozen Democratic senators on Monday asked Congress to investigate the White House leak of undercover CIA operative Valerie (…)
A neighbor’s view of Valerie Wilson’s ’outing’
26 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentJoe and Valerie Wilson are my next door neighbors in a hilly neighborhood just west of Georgetown. We moved in within months of each other seven years ago, attracted to our respective houses by the view of the Capitol in the distance and the Washington Monument in the foreground. The patriotic view is stirring.
I have another view from my window, of a neighbor who is a working, devoted mother of 5-year-old twins, a volunteer for charities, a woman active in her church, and a caring person. (…) -
Karl Rove: An American Traitor
26 July 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsKarl Rove: An American Traitor Bill Gallagher July 26, 2005 Detroit - It is the holy of holies, the sanctum sanctorum, the secret underground bunker where Vice President Dick Cheney, the Bushevik Buddha, holds court, shares his wisdom and issues orders. It is also a crime scene. It’s the dark cave where Cheney and other conspirators plotted the outing of an undercover CIA officer. And when their treasonous deed was exposed, they used this vile den to map their cover-up plan, which (…)