Home > Bush Wired’ Story Continues; ’Bulge’ Appears in Third Debate

Bush Wired’ Story Continues; ’Bulge’ Appears in Third Debate

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 14 October 2004

October 14, 2004 12:10 AM

Shortly after the first presidential debate, buzz began to build on the Internet regarding a bulge that appeared under the jacket of George W. Bush and squarely between his shoulder blades. The story which carried over to mainstream news with reports in the New York Times and even segments on CNN.

A story by Salon.com furthered a growing theory that Bush was wired for sound to receive assistance during the debates. While the Bush campaign shrugs off the comments as "conspiracy theories" they have denied that Bush was wearing any type of Kevlar vest that could explain the angular shape under his suit.

In the third and final debate, the bulge came back. As shown in the attached photo generated in house directly from the NBC broadcast, the clearly defined shape that started this buzz is back.

Judge for yourself as to what the mysterious shape may be.

Forum posts

  • "TEMPE, Ariz. - The Rev. Jesse Jackson breathed new life into the Internet-bred rumor that President Bush [related, bio] had secret audio assistance in the first debate - saying a bulge in Bush’s suit jacket looks like something.''We ought to know what it was,’’ the former presidential candidate said. ``We need to know what the object was. It could be nothing. But it looks like something.’’

    I agree with Jesse Jackson. What is going on in the Kerry campaign that they cannot call Bush on his cheating in the debates? Our president cheated his way into the presidency and he is STILL cheating, and Kerry is going to just let it go? We all know that Bush has been incredibly rude and disrespectful to Kerry over what happened over thirty years ago....but Kerry doesn’t want to be disrespectful? I don’t get it. We have all heard that the Bushies are about to unleash a new special film attacking Kerry and his actions during the war. Kerry would be simply pointing out the truth, about what is going on RIGHT NOW! Our president is a puppet. The emperor has no clothes! What is Kerry waiting for? Doesn’t he feel the need to remove Bush from office the way the rest of us do?

    Most Americans feel that this is a very important election. THIS IS SERIOUS SENATOR KERRY!! You wanted the nomination, now you are supposed to stand up to this evil cabal. What are you doing? It seems you are lending credibility to Bush instead of standing up for the democratic party and our country.

    If John Kerry cannot stand up and fight for us, we the democratic party should demand that his nomination be revoked immediately.

    Since Dennis Kucinich is second in line for the nomination, let him take over. He would not be afraid to call Bush on his lies, because he has been doing so every step of the way. Would Dennis stand silent if he knew that Bush was cheating in the debates?

  • Who does Kerry serve? The American people or skull and bones? It is time to find out.


    I watched as much of the last Presidential debate as I could stomach, even on the tiny browser window of the New York Times live video feed I was watching (4:00 am in somewhere in Western Europe) some thing became completely obvious...... Bush was listening to something, listening intently even sometimes as he spoke, and especially when he was first to answer the question. Importantly. anyone can see this for themselves beyond any doubt, please let me explain.

    Any NLP (Neurolinguistic Programing) practitioner or any Therapist worth their salt, or for that matter any half decent Sales person, will tell you that the movement of someone eyes shows what there brain is doing. In NLP it is known as “eye accessing cues” http://www.nlpu.com/Articles/artic14.htm (also see references below).

    This has been studied and proven and written about in many many Scientific Journals, and considered common knowledge for any professional dealing day to day with the idiosyncrasies of human behavior. Movement of the eyes down ant to the left is commonly known as auditory digital that is, internal dialogue, inner self talk or intent listening.

    Think of it this way, some one is having a casual conversation on a mobile phone and they look around but you can see that some of there attention is with there listening. The conversation gets serious, the head goes down and the eyes look down and usually a little to the left when they are concentrating on listening, it’s as if to block out all other input, such as visual input, to understand what they are hearing better.

    This is exactly what Bush was doing looking down and a little to the left immediately after a question was asked and at that stage his words where halting and uncertain because he’s still listening, then a kind of glassy eyed stare to the side of the camera as he puts it together still talking by wrote from the coaching and if he thinks he’s got it suddenly he’s making contact with the camera and facilitator and speaking for himself.

    He’s obviously done a lot of this because he’s good at faking the communication, but the eye movements give it away beyond any doubt. These eye movements show how the brain is processing information at any moment, you can do the experiment, ask someone to listen very carefully to a song or sound your about to play for the them and watch there eyes.

    Don’t be mistaken this can’t be faked , the movement of the eyes always shows what is going on in the brain. If you do try to fake it it looks strained and weird (would explain a lot about GWB) and you know that there is something hidden going on!

    The point about all of this is... first of all he’s deceiving the American (and Worlds) people by presenting himself as an able debater when he’s not.... Secondly he’s obviously highly practiced in this type of deception, ie he’s a good (actually world class) liar. Thirdly he is unable to put together any sound argument on the issues by himself or to think originally when it’s urgently required (we’ve seen this before), not good credentials for a world leader with access to so much power (think of it as being like putting an idiot relative in charge of a heavy machinery) In summary we have an idiot, liar being controlled by someone more intelligent running a good part of the globe for reasons we don’t know about.

    The really interesting thing about this is.. this kind of evidence doesn’t need any kind of external authority to ratify it, people can check for themselves read the data and look at the video, and you will see with different wiser eyes. Tell everyone!

    Feel free to copy disseminate or quote this writing in any way, do not however misrepresent it dishonestly, condemn it out of hand or butcher any of it’s content in any way, or I guarantee that the divine spirit of truth will reek it’s karmic revenge on you with your dying breath (or quite possibly before that). Just be content to criticize the grammar and amateurish sentence construction and feel free to use any spelling mistakes to make yourself feel superior.
    kalki_blog (at) yahoo.com

    Other References

    Breitling, D., & Bonnet, K. (1985). Lateralization of GSR, lateral eye movements and a visual half-fields recognition task. International Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 7, 140-143

    Bruce, P. R., Herman, J. F., & Stern, J. (1982). Lateral eye movements and the recall of spatial information in a familiar, large-scale environment. Neuropsychologica, 20, 505-508.

    Coleman, S. & Zenhausern, R. (1979) Processing speed, laterality patterns, and memory encoding as a function of hemispheric dominance. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 14, 357-360.

    Day, M. E. (1967) An eye-movement indicator of individual differences in the psychological organization of attentional process and anxiety. Journal of Psychology, 66, 51-62.

    Ehrlichman, H., & Weinberger, A. (1978) Lateral eye movements and hemispheric asymmetry: A critical review. Psychological Bulletin, 86, 1080-1101.

    Falcone, D. J., & Loder, K. (1984). A modified lateral eye movement measure, the right hemisphere, and creativity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 58, 823-830.

    Gur, R. E., & Gur, R. C. (1975). Defense mechanisms, psychosomatic symptomatology, and conjugate lateral eye movements. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 43, 416-420.

    Gur, R.E., Gur, R.C., & Harris (1975) Cerebral activation, as measured by subjects’ lateral eye movements is influenced by experimenter location. Neuropsychologia, 13, 35-44.

    Huang, M. S., & Byrne, B. (1978). Cognitive style and lateral eye movements. British Journal of Psychology, 69, 85-90.

    Hugdahl, K., & Carlgren, H. E. (1981). Hemispheric asymmetry as indexed by differences in direction of initial conjugate lateral eye movements (CLEMS) in response to verbal, spatial, and emotional tasks. Journal of Mind and Behavior 2, 259-270.

    Jamieson, J. L., & Sellick, T. B. (1985) Effects of subject-to- experimenter distance and instructions on lateral eye movement. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 60, 155-159.

    Kinsbourne, M. (1972) Eye and head turning indicate cerebral lateralization. Science, 176, 539-541.

    Leboeuf, A., McKay, P., & Clarke, K. (1983). Lateral eye movements and dream recall in males: a reappraisal. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 3, 61-68.

    Lenhart, R. E. (1985) The effects of distance between interactants and subject anxiety on conjugate lateral eye movements. Brain and Cognition, 4(3), 328-337.

    Ogorman, J. & Siddle, D. (1981). The effects of question type and experimenter position on bilateral differences in electrodermal activity and conjugate lateral eye movements. Acta Psychologica, 49, 43-51.

    Owens, W., & Limber, J. (1983). Lateral eye movement as a measure of cognitive ability and style. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 56, 711-719.

    Parrott, C. A. (1983). Personality characteristics associated with lateral eye movement patterns. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 58, 867-874.

    Swinnen, S. (1984). Some evidence for the hemispheric asymmetry model of lateral eye movements. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 58, 79-88.

    Thompson, M., Greenberg, R. P., & Fisher, S. (1982). Defense mechanisms, somatic symptoms, and lateral eye movements in females. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 55, 939-942.

    Tucker, G. H., & Suib, M. R. (1978). Conjugate lateral eye movement (CLEM) direction and its relationship to performance on verbal and visuospatial tasks. Neuropsychologica, 16, 251-254

    Van Nuys, D. (1985) Lateral eye movement and dream recall: II sex differences and handedness. International Journal of Psychosomatics, 31, 3-7.

    Weiten, W., & Etaugh, C. F. (1974) Lateral eye movement as related to verbal and perceptual-motor skills and values. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 36, 423-428.

    Basic NLP Eye Accessing Cues

    As a result of these studies, and many hours of observations of people from different cultures and racial backgrounds from all over the world, the following eye movement patterns were identified (Dilts, 1976, 1977; Grinder, DeLozier and Bandler, 1977; Bandler and Grinder, 1979; Dilts, Grinder, Bandler and DeLozier, 1980):

    Eyes Up and Left: Non-dominant hemisphere visualization - i.e., remembered imagery (Vr).
    Eyes Up and Right: Dominant hemisphere visualization - i.e., constructed imagery and visual fantasy (Vc).
    Eyes Lateral Left: Non-dominant hemisphere auditory processing - i.e., remembered sounds, words, and "tape loops" (Ar) and tonal discrimination.
    Eyes Lateral Right: Dominant hemisphere auditory processing - i.e., remembered sounds and words (Ac) and "tape loops" (such as nursery rhymes), as well as tonal discrimination.
    Eyes Down and Left: Internal dialogue, or inner self-talk (Ad).
    Eyes Down and Right: Feelings, both tactile and visceral (K).
    Eyes Straight Ahead, but Defocused or Dilated: Quick access of almost any sensory information; but usually visual.

    This pattern appears to be constant for right handed people throughout the human race (with the possible exception of the Basques, whose population appears to contain a fair number of ’exceptions to the rule’). Subsequent studies (Loiselle, 1985 and Buckner, Reese and Reese, 1987) have supported the NLP claim that eye movements both reflect and influence key cognitive componants of thought. Many left handed people, however, tend to be reversed from left to right. That is, their eye accessing cues are the mirror image of those of the average right hander. They look down and left for feelings, instead of down and right. Similarly, they look up and to the right to remember visual imagery, instead of up and to the left, and so on. A small number of people (including ambidextrous and a few right handed people) will be reversed in their some of their eye accessing cues (their visual eye movements, for example), but not the others.

    To explore the relationship between eye movements and thinking for yourself, find a partner, ask the following questions, and observe his or her eye movements. For each question keep track of your partner’s eye movements in one of the boxes (following the questions below) by using marks, lines or numbers that represent the sequence of positions you observe.

    1. Visual Remembered: Think of the color of your car. What kind of pattern is on your bedspread? Think of the last time you saw someone running. Who were the first five people you saw this morning?
    2. Visual Construction: Imagine an outline of yourself as you might look from six feet above us and see it turning into a city skyline. Can you imagine the top half of a toy dog on the bottom half of a green hippopotamus?
    3. Auditory Remembered: Can you think of one of your favorite songs? Think of the sound of clapping. How does your car’s engine sound?
    4. Auditory Constructed: Imagine the sound of a train’s whistle changing into the sound of pages turning. Can you hear the sound of a saxophone and the sound of your mother’s voice at the same time?
    5. Auditory Digital (Internal Self Talk): Take a moment and listen to the sound of your own inner voice. How do you know it is your voice? In what types of situations do you talk to yourself the most? Think of the kinds of things that you say to yourself most often.
    6. Kinesthetic Remembered: (Tactile) When was the last time you felt really wet? Imagine the feelings of snow in your hands. What does a pine cone feel like? When was the last time you touched a hot cooking utensil? (Visceral/Emotional) Can you think of a time you felt satisfied about something you completed? Think of what it feels like to be exhausted. When was the last time you felt impatient?
    7. Kinesthetic Construction: (Tactile) Imagine the feelings of stickiness turning into the feelings of sand shifting between your fingers. Imagine the feelings of dog’s fur turning into the feelings of soft butter. (Visceral/Emotional) Imagine the feelings of frustration turning into the feeling of being really motivated to do something. Imagine the feeling of being bored turning into feeling silly about feeling bored.

    It is important to keep in mind, as you are observing and tracking eye movements, that many people will already have habitual eye movements, related to their primary representational modality. A highly visual person may tend to look up and to the left or right, regardless of which sensory modality is assumed by your question. If you ask such a person to think of his or her "favorite song," the person may visualize the cover of the record, tape or CD in order to remember the name of the song. A kinesthetically oriented person may look down and check his or her feelings to determine how he or she feels about several songs in order to know which one is his or her "favorite." Thus it is important to ask people what they actually did in their minds as they were answering the questions in order to get an accurate sense of what their eye movements signified.

    Once you feel confident in eye movements as accessing cues, and in your ability to "read" them, there are many ways they can be used. As was mentioned earlier, habitual eye movements reflect a person’s preferred sensory modality. If you ask someone, "What is something that is really important to you? Think of it now," the placement of the person’s eyes as he or she is answering your question will probably tell you a lot about that person’s most valued representational system.

    Eye movements can also be used to determine how truthful or congruent a person is being. If a person is describing an event that he or she has witnessed or participated in, for instance, the person’s eyes should move primarily to his or her left (if the person is right handed), indicating memory access. If the person looks up and to the right a lot, however, it is likely that the person is constructing or reconstructing some aspect of the experience he or she is describing. This may indicate that the person is either uncertain or being untruthful about what he or she is saying.
    The most common application of eye positions in NLP is to determine the representational strategies a person is using in order to think or make a decision. Since many aspects of people’s thinking processes are unconscious to them, spontaneous eye movements can be an extremely important part of eliciting and modeling a person’s inner strategies for decision making, learning, motivation, memory, etc.

    Other links
    Bush Blows it! Exposes Earpiece in Debate

  • The fact that the bulge appears under a denim shirt in the pick-up truck picture leads me to believe that it might be a communication device, to allow the Secret Service to communicate with the president. They won’t admit to this because the device could be used, and probably was used by aides to prompt him during the debates. Caught cheating again!

  • I am still waiting for more of the mainstream press to follow up on what the rest of the net is already discussing: the convergence of several facts.

    You may have noticed in the last debate that the left half of Mr. Bush’s face seemed limp, with half his mouth perpetually downturned.

    This year, for the first time in four years, Mr. Bush did not take his August physical exam.
    And there’s the odd matter of the unexplained bulge on his back.

    Has Mr. Bush suffered a stroke?

    Take a look at the LifeVest, "The World’s First Portable Defibrillator". It’s a back-mounted defibrillator with a control pack at the waist. Check out the outline of this item, and the outline seen behind Mr. Bush’s suit.

    Is this what he’s travelling around with?

    As usual, thanks to http://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ for some of these links.

    • I have wondered at the overwhelming official silence issuing from the Democratic Party regarding the bulge. I don’t know how Mr. Kerry could have missed the third debate bulge, given the rumors flying and this reprinted picture on Yahoo’s website.

      I’m all for courtesy. Perhaps he knows something we don’t know.

      Frankly, Kerry seemed to "take it easy on" Bush diring the third debate, at least that’s the way it appeared to me. I expected a much more aggressive stance from Kerry. I expected him to wipe the floor with Bush. He didn’t. He didn’t perform at all as I expected him to. I wondered about that too.

      Good Lord, it’s even more important (if that is possible) to remove Bush-Chaney from the White House if Bush has had a stroke.
      IF against all luck and effort he were to be elected to another term and step down, that would leave...

      Chaney as President.

      Saints preserve us. We would all be dead meat even faster.

  • Next time place the thing down his pants and he can lie about it like everything else!