Do we really expect to read the paper tomorrow, a month from now, a year from now and expect no bad news out of Iraq? Apparently, several thousand Iraqis have made it a career choice to kill anything and anybody in the way of what they perceive to be justice. If we are going to pull out with our tail between our legs, shouldn’t we do it sooner rather than later?
Do we really think we are helping things over there? What are we waiting for?
Hell no. We are buying time to uninstall as much (…)
Home > Keywords > Environment > Energy
Do we?
2 May 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment -
Under Cheney, Halliburton helped Saddam Hussein siphon billions from UN Oil-for-Food Program
29 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentOctober 16, 2004-When the Iraqi Survey Group released its long awaited report last week that said Iraq eliminated its weapons programs in the 1990s, George W. Bush quickly changed his stance on reasons he authorized an invasion of Iraq. While he campaigned for a second term in office, Bush justified the war by saying that that Saddam Hussein was manipulating the United Nation’s oil-for-food program, siphoning off billions of dollars from the venture that he intended to use to fund a weapons (…)
Bush, & Prince Abduallah hold hands, discuss oil prices
26 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
17 commentsUS President George W. Bush (L) and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz discussed the soaring cost of oil but emerged with no short-term fix for sky-high gas prices.
Exxon Mobil reaps record profits - 2001
Bush and Saudi crown prince find no easy solution to oil price crunch
Exxon Mobil Posts Record Profits - 2005
The most obvious villains are the giant oil companies and rich oil countries such as Saudi Arabia.
Exxon Mobil profits exceed $25bn
The biggest reason pump (…) -
House passes two Kucinich Amendments on Biofuel "We can grow our way out of this energy crisis"
25 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
8 commentsRequesting Feasability Study of Mustard Seed Biodiesel
"Mr. Chairman, this is a noncontroversial amendment which authorizes a National Academy of Science study on the feasibility of mustard seed as a feedstock for biodiesel.
"Now, mustard seed has many advantages over other feedstocks, including higher oil content, it is easier to grow in colder and drier climates of the U.S., and the conversion process leaves behind an organic pesticide and herbicide. Initial research studies by the (…) -
Cleaner School Bus Fuel Is a ’Breath of Fresh Air’ for Chicago Area Children
24 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentLt. Governor Announces Chicago School Transit to Implement Soy-Based Biodiesel Fuel
Starting today on Earth Day, many Chicago area school children will be breathing easier as they get on and off their school buses, thanks to a blended fuel that contains soybean oil.
Chicago School Transit is the first school bus service in the Chicago Metropolitan Area to use the soy-based biodiesel fuel, which reduces the hazardous exhaust emissions by 15-20 percent. Illinois Lt. Governor Pat Quinn will (…) -
Gas prices have some looking at used cooking oil-Biodiesel is more attractive as gas gets expensive
24 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsSpurred by rising energy prices, groups and individuals across the country are considering diving into used frying oil and local seed crops as diesel fuel.
Among them is the Montana-based Alternative Energy Resource Organization, which is considering establishing a new cooperative to process fuel from those sources to make what’s known as biodiesel.
AERO member Doug Crabtree said the discussions are in an early phase but similar efforts have been successful elsewhere.
"It takes the (…) -
19 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
10 commentsintroduction
by Matt Lechien
Before going further on this file, it’s important for you to know what’s being prepared concerning biodiesel production.
Being a biodiesel activist is very respectful, as long as there is a logic behind it. As we will see in this prelude, there exist some very environment friendly biodiesel, but also some which isn’t at all. Politicians and industrials from ages have long shown their cynism and blindness concerning energy acquisition. It will (…) -
UK News - 3rd People’s Assembly: the Manchester Social Forum in action
19 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
by maciacia
Use solar electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen then burn the hydrogen as fuel. There is no pollution. Water is plentiful and so is sunlight. This fuel cell technology was demonstrated at the Campaigners’ Fair during the 3rd Manchester People’s Assembly on the 16th of April 2005. Mike Koefman of the Campaign for a Hydrogen Economy used a small tabletop machine to demonstrate the catalytic breakdown of water and explained how this technology could supply limitless (…) -
Montana oilseed processing plant to make biodiesel fuel, preserve jobs in rural community
19 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
Seed money: Culbertson oilseed processing plant to make biodiesel fuel
The gap between Missoula and Culbertson is measured in more than miles across the breadth of the state. It is a cultural divide.
The twain are getting closer.
Montana venture capitalists and renewable fuels technologists in the Garden City are linking up with oilseed farmers in northeastern Montana to create a new industry and preserve jobs in a rural community striving to survive.
The effort (…) -
Iraq’s Oilworkers Will Defend the Country’s Oil
14 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentInterview with Hassan Juma’a Awad
Q: How was the Southern Oil Company Union organized?
A: Two weeks after the occupying forces entered Basra on the 9th of April, 2003, Iraqi activists in the oil industry met to reestablish the union. We organized the workers for two reasons. First, we had to deal with the administration put in place by the occupying forces. Second, we fear that the purpose of the occupation is to take control of the oil industry. Without organizing ourselves, we would (…)