by Robert Thompson A rather ignorant speechwriter for the intellectually challenged President of the USA, with little respect for the meaning of words, whose name I understand to be David Frum, invented the expression "Axis of Evil" without thinking very deeply as to either what an axis was or for that matter how one can define evil. However, the world can now see a triumvirate of evil on course towards its aim to hand over all power to its corporate sponsors. Each of the two pillars (…)
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Robert Thompson
The Triumvirate of Evil
8 January 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
Who benefits from "Anti-semitism" ? (a sad story)
24 October 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
8 commentsBy Robert Thompson
A respectable lady went into a Bordeaux supermarket and stuck labels on dates which had come from the "State of Israel", on which it was pointed out that the state of origin of the fruit was founded on racist principles and asking customers to boycott anything coming from there. This strategy was well-known and popularly supported by people protesting against the apartheid of the former South African régime.
The Manager of the supermarket called the Police and the lady (…) -
Terrifying Tyranny
21 October 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentRobert Thompson
As I have done in previous essays, I feel it appropriate to preface my remarks by making it clear that I write as a committed practising Catholic Christian, and by stressing that I am always shocked and upset by the misuse of religion as a cover for, or in pursuit of, material and/or political gain.
On Tuesday night, my wife and I watched with growing fear and horror a television report on "Arte" (the Franco-German channel) on the religiosity of Mr George W. Bush. If the (…) -
Learning from "Fahrenheit 9/11"
24 September 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
6 commentsby Robert Thompson
We have at last watched this brilliant film, which, as my wife has since said, should be compulsory viewing for every single voter in the U.S.A., and I hope that as many of you as possible have seen it.
Having been made aware by so many of you of the deliberate misinformation spread across the U.S.A. by media subject to the control of the neo-cons, and their failure to tell the public so much of what goes on in the word, we obviously do not know how much was known on (…) -
Letters from France: Divided by a single language
18 September 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsby Robert Thompson
It is said that the late Sir Winston Churchill was the first to make the comment that the U.S.A. and Britain were divided by a single language, and listening to spokesmen for the present administration in the U.S.A. this becomes more and more evident as the election campaign rolls on on your side of the Atlantic.
It seems almost comic when one has to learn that what you call "diapers" are the ordinary British "nappies", or that your "sidewalk’ is the British (…) -
The Great Alliance
6 September 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Robert Thompson
These comments are addressed above all to those among you who follow Judaism, Christianity or Islam, but it might be useful for others to ponder on the points raised.
At the end of June, when I wrote on the subject of the "Misappropriation of Christianity (or of any other religion)", I ended with the advice "Above all, pray for guidance to our loving, compassionate and merciful God, who cannot be served with evil actions".
This has since become even more urgent, and (…) -
Humiliation and Destabilisation or concerted plans
7 August 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Robert Thompson
We are all reeling from the shock of seeing on our television screens the horrific and inhuman ritual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners who have had the ill fortune to find themselves in an establishment run by the armed forces of the U.S.A. Immediately following on from this we have seen re-runs of the sight of a swaggering Mr George W. Bush on 1st May 2003, after he had landed on an aircraft-carrier under a banner reading "Mission Accomplished", somewhat prematurely (…) -
Family Values
25 July 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
by Robert Thompson When the "State of Israel" was declared, those Palestinians who found themselves on the "Israeli" side of the famous Green Line were given a strange kind of second class Israeli citizenship, whereas those who were then in the West Bank were granted Jordanian citizenship and those in the Gaza Strip were taken in charge by Egypt. This had the odd result of splitting families, depending purely on where they were at the time. A well-known example is that of the present (…)
Sharon’s double triumph
24 July 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
by Robert Thompson Mr Sharon has now got just what he wanted. His double triumph is horrendous. He is reported to have expressed sadness - what are commonly called "crocodile tears" no doubt!!! First of all, he got apparently unconditional support from Mr George W. Bush for his plan to annex still more Palestinian land, while giving up the least important of the illegally occupied lands in the Gaza Strip. He also offered to give up a few outposts in the West Bank, while annexing (…)