by Helen Thomas
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan says President Bush was "pleased" with the latest investigation that blames CIA analysts for the false information that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
That’s the reason Bush invaded Iraq, remember? Once again it’s those low-level bureaucrats who took us into war. And once again a panel of "don’t rock the boat" establishment figures has let the commander in chief off the hook.
I asked McClellan if the president was upset (…)
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Secret Services
Buck Doesn’t Stop at This President’s Desk
8 April 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
Bolivian Leader Evo Morales Denounces Assassination Plot
23 March 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
The Leader of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), Evo Morales, denounced the arrival in Bolivia of a command of Colombian mercenaries hired to assassinate him and other popular leaders, and condemned the involvement of Interior Minister Saul Lara with the plot.
Morales told the foreign correspondents that he was warned by intelligence officials about the assassination plot as he is at the top of the list, adding that the goal is to extinguish the social movement seeking to nationalize (…) -
Top Former CIA Agent Condemns New Terror War
1 March 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
by Davud Pratt, Foreign Editor A running joke in Washington late last year held that Langley, the CIA’s home in Virginia, was changing its name to Fallujah after the restive Iraqi town then held by insurgents. Like Fallujah, Langley - according to some White House wags - was full of rebels that needed to be cleared out. This would inevitably lead to lots of casualties along the way. But putting the jokes and bravado aside, many at the CIA’s longtime base already knew that the winds of (…)
Congress not doing its job of protecting whistleblowers nor investigating their claims
23 February 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsWASHINGTON - Congress is not doing its job of protecting government whistleblowers, nor investigating the national security weaknesses those employees have tried to expose, several private watchdog groups said Wednesday.
They called for hearings into a particular case, that of linguist Sibel Edmonds, fired in 2002 after alleging shoddy work and possible espionage inside the FBI’s translator program.
"The time has come for Congress to hold hearings and address the concerns raised by Ms. (…) -
Slaughter Spearheads Investigations Into Phony White House "Journalist"
14 February 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsSlaughter Spearheads Investigations Into Phony White House "Journalist" Mike Hudson February 15, 2005
Call it "Gannongate."
Responding to a Feb. 8 Niagara Falls Reporter editorial, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter last week called on President George Bush to explain how a person operating under an assumed name and with no journalistic background managed to obtain access to the White House briefing room regularly for the past two years.
Additionally, Slaughter and Rep. John Conyers of (…) -
The Clinton Syndrome
10 February 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
11 commentsReal-life events of the more or less recent past, could read like a super-hyped fiction book. The problem? Big-time book publishers are not inclined to tell the factual truth about the murder of JFK and a lot of other happenings.
Why? Simple.. The publishing cartel, made up of just a few handfuls of mega-corporations, like the rest of the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press, is not inclined to disturb the well-planted fairy tales of our era.
This non-fiction story could begin at the (…) -
It’s Time To Ignore Michael Ruppert
24 January 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
it’s Time To Ignore Michael Ruppert Comment By Paul Fassa Internet Trailer Park Trash 1-23-5
In my opinion, Mike Ruppert is at best a blowhard gatekeeper who only cares that he is the ultimate mouthpiece of the alternative and Internet media, cashing in big time, or at worst, he is is a disinformation agent for one or more of our international alphabet soup intel agencies. When he first came to my attention, I bought his early 9/11 video. I was impressed, though a little bothered over (…) -
Purge at the CIA You will follow the (neocon) party line, comrade
19 November 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Justin Raimondo
Like another empire founded on ideological hubris, and stained with the bloodof countless victims, this one engages in periodic political purges: when one faction is vanquished, mass firings occur in the upper echelons of the bureaucracy. We don’t send them to the gulag - at least, not yet - instead we set them up for public pillorying, firings, and, in some cases, show trials. Such is the fate of the CIA in the post-election triumph of the Bushies.
The news that (…) -
Politics and the CIA
18 November 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Ivan Eland
It has now become apparent why Porter Goss, a politician, was named to head the CIA in an administration that already has been accused of politicizing intelligence during the Iraq war: to settle old scores. Many intelligence personnel have leaked embarrassing-and accurate-information to the media about the Bush administration’s missteps in Iraq. Now it’s payback time from the White House.
According to a Newsday article that quotes a former senior CIA official who has close (…) -
Top spies threaten to leave the fold over CIA reform
16 November 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby From Roland Watson in Washington
THE CIA’s top spies are on the brink of revolt seven weeks after the arrival of President Bush’s new Director.
Porter Goss and his newly imported aides have had a series of bruising showdowns with established CIA figures that have left the agency in turmoil.
John McLaughlin, the agency’s deputy director, a 32-year CIA veteran, announced at the weekend that he was quitting. Stephen Kappes, the deputy director of operations, is expected to announce his (…)