Home > Will oil-supply disruption give Bush carte blanche to invade Venezuela?
Will oil-supply disruption give Bush carte blanche to invade Venezuela?
by Open-Publishing - Saturday 3 September 20053 comments
Edito Wars and conflicts Energy Catastrophes USA Mary MacElveen

by Mary MacElveen
Several atmospheric conditions came together which was described by the National Weather Service as the “perfect storm.” This monster of a storm sunk the Andrea Gail along with her captain, Captain Billy Tyne ... Hollywood even made a movie starring George Clooney.
The reason why I ask if Katrina is our ’perfect storm’ is because the oil industry took one on the nose when many refineries were hit by this monster storm.
* This past June the FX channel aired a ’docu-drama’ depicting this very scenario ... it depicts Port Fourchon (Louisiana) being hit by a category 4 hurricane, knocking out our oil supply.
It then had a domino effect in which it affected rising oil prices, raising food prices (related to trucking and transportation costs), job losses and tempers flared ... which gave birth to riots. As this oil distribution catastrophe lingered, there was massive loss of life ... those living in northern cities such as Chicago were unable to heat their homes.
I would have to say that the movie was pretty prophetic. Even then, as I watched it, I could not wrap my brain around such an event happening here.
But, Mother Nature had her own plans.
According to the AFP “At least 20 oil rigs and platforms are missing out in the Gulf of Mexico and a ruptured gas pipeline is on fire after Hurricane Katrina tore through the region.” This is devastating not only to gasoline prices, but as described in the movie “Oil Storm” the price of food and other goods we consume ... the trucking industry, I fear, may be crippled as well.
Also “a total of 561 platforms and rigs have been evacuated in the Gulf of Mexico, which accounts for a quarter of US oil production.” This does not bode well for America, especially when our country relies too heavily on automobiles as our main source of transportation. We missed the boat entirely when it came to concentrating on mass transportation. After World War II America gave birth to suburbs where stores and businesses were not within walking distance as well as the businesses where many people worked. There were no real plans implemented to move people around their communities by trains or buses.
America wanted freedom ... and that meant freedom to own a car and thus our consumption of oil escalated. In the county where I live, there is no bus service on Sundays ... people shop and work on that day ... yet no bus service?
According to Princeton University geology professor Kenneth Deffeyes "it may be too late to plan” when it concerns alternative energy means. As I read the article “Will the oil run out? Will we be ready?” in which John Wood states "ee don’t want the world oil peak to sneak up on us," I wonder what his thoughts are of a massive storm hitting the coast of Louisiana disrupting distribution.
In the same article a passage by David Morehouse caught my attention: "If things get bad enough, and somebody gets desperate enough ... an oil peak scenario could lead to war.”
Will an oil-supply disruption give the Bush administration carte blanche to invade Venezuela?
I know some of you may say that it is paranoid thinking, but, as of late, relations between our country and Venezuela are strained. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said “We just don’t like him” (meaning President Hugo Chavez). While some have thought President Chavez’ assertions that his life was in danger was also ’paranoid thinking’ ... enter Pat Robertson.
Bush stated today “our citizens must understand this storm has disrupted the capacity to make gasoline and distribute gasoline" and then went on to say "this recovery will take a long time ... this recovery will take years."
Does America have that amount of patience especially if gasoline prices continue to rise as well as the prices of other goods we use on a daily basis?
Will it become an “Us versus Them” scenario?
Right now the support of the war in Iraq is down because the $ billions we are spending over there can be best used right here in our own country. When I think of the $ billions that will be needed to clean up this storm ravaged region on top of the billions spent for this war ... it is mind boggling.
Many within this country are also abhorred at the massive loss of lives over there.
As I have reported in a past article “Message to US president George W. Bush: Don’t mess with Venezuela” oil executives have carved up the profits made from Iraqi oil. Could it be that we do not see more mass demonstrations is because secretly we are saying “We need that oil”? Or ... “we are entitled to it for our own self-interest”
* I am left wondering if the confluence of events that have taken place during these past few days — which will lead into weeks, months and as Bush said “years to recover” — will the patience of America wear thin?
As it stands right now, Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez Frias has offered us aid through oil ... but that is not being widely broadcast.
So, can this become America’s “Perfect Storm” scenario where we will allow our government to invade Venezuela and take their oil fields as we did in Iraq?
Some may state that this is ’paranoid thinking’ ... but with this administration’s track record for telling the truth and the arrogance they show, I would not put it past them.
* Will our congress vote for this one too, and will America support such an invasion?
Only time will tell ... meanwhile, pay attention to the signals of aggression that are being sent out by this Bush administration.
Mary MacElveen
Forum posts
4 September 2005, 02:05
This time America might be surprised that an global Armada will arise and free America from dictatorship.
4 September 2005, 06:41
Totally idiotic.
5 September 2005, 07:49
Holy crap your right i watched the same movie when it came out i didnt realize till u mentioned it that thats exactly whats happening I didnt think at the time that the events in the movie were likely man an oil crisis is becoming much more likely shits freaky.