Home > Christians against Bush : spreading the truth about September 11th

Christians against Bush : spreading the truth about September 11th

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 27 July 2005

Wars and conflicts International Religions-Beliefs Attack-Terrorism Governments USA

Christians spreading the truth about September 11th

It was an inside job, and allowed to happen as a pretext to get the people behind the war.

(San Diego, CA) A book titled, "The Resistance Manifesto" (ISBN: 0967346630) has just been published from a world wide network of Christians exposing the September 11th inside job, government prior knowledge, and the Bush family’s involvement in the attacks. Bold statements, backed by declassified documents, memos, and mainstream news reports, all of which paint a dark picture about what really happened that tragic morning.

For those people who don’t know, the terrorist attacks on September 11th were not an ‘intelligence failure’ as the official story states. The attacks were not only allowed to happen as a pretext, or a reason to get the population behind the war, but the hijackers were assets of the CIA, just like Osama Bin Laden. President Bush signed Presidential Decision Directive W199i, pulling FBI agents off of the suspected terrorists, ensuring they could continue their work, and the treason gets worse.

Despite popular belief, the CIA had run ‘drills’ of jets being hijacked and being used as weapons and the envisioned targets were the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The anthrax which was sent through the mail following the suicide attacks was also an inside job perpetrated to create even more fear, ensuring the Patriot Act would pass and to get the American people to completely submit to the plans of the New World Order.

Aside from a pretext to the war on terror and the war in Iraq, the events have since been used to instill a sense of fear in the American people, and are being used to create a Police State in America, circumventing the constitution, and using RFIDs, VeriChip, and security cameras to keep track of every person.

Conner and legions of others have been speaking at Churches and Bible studies for years, bringing awareness to the disturbing Satanic influences in America and the New World Order. "The threat of terrorism is being used to enslave the world. This Orwellian Police State is the result of government sponsored terrorism and the Illuminati’s work to build their New World Order. Due to editorial and political censorship our voices are often stifled, but there is an enormous underground movement against the New World Order." He says.

The Resistance Manifesto is available exclusively at www.TheResistanceManifesto.com and in the months ahead, will be available in bookstores nationwide. The Resistance Manifesto is a shocking analysis of the Satanic influences and practices in every facet of society from the main stream media, to the private practices of the American Illuminati elite. It is a blueprint of the institutions, people, and powers at work within the New World Order.

Contact: John Conner, author

E-mail: John@TheResistanceManifesto.com

Website: www.TheResistanceManifesto.com

Forum posts

  • God, I’d love to believe every last item mentioned in the article but I want the truth, not rehashed speculation or disinformation. Two things bug me about the article : it was written by the book’s author himself, which is pretty shameless self-promotion. And did anybody notice that the author’s name is the same as that of the leader of the resistance in the Terminator movies ?

    • The author has deliberately selected that pen name, if you listen to the audio interviews on his website this is admitted. He merely changed the spelling of the last name. He chose the name to get more attention for the movement. One of the book chapters on the robotics research is entitled Terminators—about DARPA bots, etc. gradually replacing the human goon squads as the enforcers of the ruthless global gulag, at least that’s what I’m assuming it’s about. When you go to the bookstore, many of the notes on the rear covers are written by the author’s themselves—a common practice in the book trade. Imagine an author actually promoting his book, how shameless...that’s sarcasm.

      I don’t know about the rehash quip as the book hasn’t been delivered to my home yet, however a glance at the bibliography—also available at theresistancemanifesto.com—and the number of pages (416) would seem to suggest a comprehensive compendium of data. For someone who has studied the new world order for years, perhaps most of the information would already be known to them. I think this book is designed as a reference book as well as a comprehensive primer for the novice. The idea of a true Christian counter culture resistance movement is quite exciting, it’s about time people who claim the mantle of Christianity understood what it’s supposed to be about.

      I look forward to reading this book, if nothing else it will refresh my memory on things long forgotten.

  • Check out the EU’s Javier Solana and Recommendation 666. The world will come together and the antichrist will rise to power. It’s right around the corner.

  • Since Irans "Shaw" developed cancer in 1979, dying in 1980, this began the removal of Iraq from US "Terrorist Supporting Nation" Embargo, and the Reagan (see PNAC org) sending Rumsfeld to enlist Saddam in the US Oil Cartel war for Middle East (oil) control.
    With lose of Iran and the Shaw, the CIA "SAVAK" secret police fell apart in Iran, this in turn enabled the religious order taking control away from the US Oil-Empire.
    Had Reagan been unable to remove Iraq from US embargo, WMD sales that were began would have been illegal.
    It is my opinion that regardless of Bush, the Bush Administration is a Satanic group, the evil uncovered daily is testimony to this fact. Unfortunately, the greater part of this nations population has also undergone significant degeneracy, this apparently means our nation will follow Bible prophecy.