Mainstream politicians and media in look-the-other-way Apartheid Australia have an entrenched culture of self-censorship and censorship. Indeed this Mainstream lying by omission and commission obtains in all the other Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies, pseudo democracies in which :money buys truth”, “money buys perception” and “money buys votes”.
The Age newspaper, Melbourne, Australia, of the Fairfax media empire, is arguably the most progressive of Australia’s Mainstream media but (…)
Home > Keywords > International > Australia
Holocaust denial, commission & ignoring & Genocide denial, commission & ignoring by Apartheid Australia
9 June 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Letter to Australian MPs & Media re pro-Zionist Australia, Apartheid Israel & latest Israeli atrocity
7 June 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
A noisy debate erupted in Australia recently because Greens Senator-elect Lee Rhiannon supported Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel. Lee Rhiannon was attacked by the Australian Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Opposition and the Australian Labor Party Government (aka the Lib-Labs) who support anti-democratic, race-based, genocidal, war criminal, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel.
On the Australian taxpayer-funded ABC TV Q&A program (6 June 2011: (…) -
June 5 World Environment Day: climate criminal Australia & US have 2 to 5 years to cease GHG pollution
5 June 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsJune 5 is World Environment Day and around the World millions of decent folk have been participating in events demanding action on the worsening climate emergency. Put bluntly, unaddressed, man-made climate change is predicted to kill about 10 billion mostly non-European people or about 100 million people per year this century in what is described as a Climate Genocide. Already about 18 million people die avoidably each year from deprivation in the Developing World (minus China) and this is (…)
Planned coal to gas transition will DOUBLE Australian electric power greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution
15 May 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Australia is a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, coal exports and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) exports. Thus Australia’s annual per capita Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution is 60 times the annual per capita GHG pollution of Bangladesh. The extreme right wing, pro-coal, pro-gas Australian Labor Government is proposing a Carbon Tax and says that a major consequence will be a coal to gas transition for fossil fuel burning for electric power. However, as set out (…)
Pro-gas Australian Labor Govt wants Coal to Gas transition by Carbon Tax - but Gas burning worse GHG-wise
16 April 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentAustralia has a shocking record of climate change inaction coupled with an unenviable position as a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. However the anti-science, pro-fossil fuel Australian Labor Government headed by pro-war, pro-Zionist, pro-neocon America, pro-coal, pro-gas PM Julia Gillard survives as a Minority Government due to alliance with 1 Green MP and 2 rural independent MPs.
After much prevarication the neocon Australian Labor Government has (…) -
Questions Q&A won’t ask on taxpayer-funded Australian ABC TV about Australia, Zionism & Apartheid Israel
4 April 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentSince the US-backed anti-Whitlam Coup in 1975 that removed the elected reformist Whitlam Labor Goverment from office, Australia has steadily moved to the Right. The Australian Labor Party quickly realized that in US-dominated Murdochracy Australia (70% of city daily newspapers are part of the Murdoch media empire), getting elected would mean "all the way with the USA". Unfortunately, since the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Apartheid Israel in 1967, the US has come to be dominated by (…)
Carbon Price & Climate Change Action Fact Sheet for leading per capita greenhouse gas polluter Australia
14 March 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Australia is a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution but is also a world leader in climate change inaction. The Australian Labor Government has set up an advisory Climate Commission that is funded with $5.6 million over 4 years. I am a 5 -decade career scientist (biological chemistry) with a big teaching role at a very good Australian university. I have carefully researched and documented the following Fact Sheet pro bono publico to assist public education in the (…)
Activists & pro-gas Oz Government’s Carbon Tax-ETS-Ignore Agriculture (CTETSIA) climate inaction plan
4 March 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-human rights Australians are appalled by the betrayal of pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-human rights Australians and Labor voters by the successive pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, human rights-abusing Rudd and Gillard Labor Governments.
Now pro-environment Australians are witnessing Australian climate activism organizations going "soft" by lending support to the pro-gas Gillard Labor Australian Government’s Carbon Tax-ETS-Ignore Agriculture (CTETSIA) Plan that (…) -
Labor Government of world-leading per capita GHG polluter Australia commits to climate change inaction
27 February 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentAustralia is a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. Notwithstanding the political rhetoric and spin that they are “tackling climate change”, the pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-oil, anti-science, Australian Gillard Labor Government is overwhelmingly committed to climate change inaction as revealed by the latest Gillard Labor spin on a Carbon Tax and an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
Labor policy is for a 5% reduction on 2000 greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 2020. (…) -
Man-made climate change and floods: 50 expert, science-informed views re extreme floods & climate change
19 January 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentThe incidence of floods has greatly increased throughout the world in recent decades. However, because the day to day weather is highly variable one cannot attribute any specific weather event (such as the current Asian, South American and Australian floods) to man-made global warming. It is clear that increased atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution leads successively to global warming, increased sea temperature, increased evaporation, increased air moisture and thence to increased (…)