By Sultan M Hali
Source: "Pakistan Observer"
Israel’s Army chief, Major General Avi Mizrahi secretly visited Kashmir last week (September 2008).
Indian authorities remained tight-lipped about the visit, neither confirming nor denying, however, the lid was blown by Iranian News Agency, IRNA.
Earlier, Major General Avi Mizrahi, had arrived in New Delhi on September 9, on a three-day visit, where he met his counterpart Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor and also minister of state (…)
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Secret Services
India : Israeli Army Chief’s secret Kashmir Yatra
30 October 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
Mossad spied on far-right Austrian Jörg Haider killed in a car accident
11 October 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsMossad spied on far-right Austrian
By Roger Boyes June 2, 2005
THE ISRAELI secret service spied on Jörg Haider, the right-wing Austrian populist, using one of his closest aides to gather information on his contacts with Arab dictators. Peter Sichrovsky said that he had been a Mossad informant for five years until retiring from politics in 2002.
“I wanted to help Israel and certainly did not do anything wrong,” said Herr Sichrovsky who was secretary-general of Herr Haider’s Freedom (…) -
The CIA moves european headoffice to Bern in Switzerland
21 September 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsThe CIA moves european headoffice to Bern in Switzerland
By Christof Moser, Marcel Odermatt and Johannes von Dohnányi | 02:15 | 21.09.2008
SonntagsBlick searches show: The American Embassy in Berne will become a European headquarters of the U.S. secret service CIA expanded. The Council of Europe’s special investigators and the National FDP Dick Marty considers this "very problematic".
The U.S. Embassy in Sulgen eckstrasse-19 in Berne: a high security wing. Who wants to enter the (…) -
ABC Video: Evidence Indicates that Skull & Bones Is a Satanic Cult – David Boren Is a Member
17 September 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
Michael P. Wright — Norman, Oklahoma, USA —
This ABC news broadcast displays evidence which strongly suggests that Skull and Bones is a Satanic cult:
Former U.S. Senator David Boren, a 9/11 suspect widely known as the mentor and sponsor of ex-CIA director George Tenet, admits to being a member of Skull and Bones in this video.
Go here for information and documentation about Boren, Tenet, the CIA, and 9/11. -
Is the “Mega” Spy Case Headed for Hollywood?
15 September 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
“Spies are...a squalid procession of vain fools, traitors...sadists and drunkards.” - John le Carre, author.
In May, 2008, an ex-U.S. military engineer, Ben-Ami Kadish, age 84, was charged in Federal Court with four counts of conspiracy for passing classified, defense-related documents to the Israelis. The foul deeds supposedly happened over 20 years ago. The Feds contend that Kadish’s case has ties to the matter of the convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. (1) In 1986, Pollard got a (…) -
Free eBook: Body Of Secrets: Anatomy Of The Ultra-Secret National Security Agency by James Bamford
2 September 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
DESCRIPTION Everybody knows about the CIA—the cloak-and-dagger branch of the U.S. government. Many fewer are familiar with the National Security Agency, even though it has been more important to American espionage in recent years than its better-known counterpart. The NSA is responsible for much of the intelligence gathering done via technology such as satellites and the Internet. Its home office in Maryland "contains what is probably the largest body of secrets ever created."
Little was (…) -
CIA Prison: Systematic Use of Torture in Diego Garcia Island
2 August 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
By Masood Haider*
NEW YORK, Aug 1: The Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) on Friday called for investigations by the US Congress and British parliament into allegations made in a Time magazine report that the Bush administration had covertly used a facility in Diego Garcia, a British island off the coast of India, as a secret CIA detention centre.
In a statement, the Boston-based organisation of doctors demanded that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) be given immediate (…) -
SAS agents wanted for questioning in connection with recent bombings: Where are these terrorists?
28 July 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentNow that both Turkey and India have been hit with a series of bomb blasts, it’s worth remembering where some of these terrorists come from and who they work for.
In 2003 two SAS soldiers were freed from a jail in Basra by the British military after they were arrested by the Iraqi police for failing to “stop at an Iraqi police roadblock and subsequently open(ing) fire on the Iraqi police, killing one and wounding another.” The SAS agents did this while dressed in traditional Arab (…) -
CIA-Mossad, Inc Assassinate Hezbollah Co-Founder
21 February 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsHezbollah Co-founder Imad Mugniyah Assassinated By Trish Schuh February 21, 2008 BEIRUT, Lebanon- It was clear something big was about to break in the war on terror. In the weeks before "the world’s most wanted terrorist," Hezbollah’s Imad Mugniyah was assassinated, half a dozen internet/telecommunications cables had been cut to countries through out the middle east. Or "sabotaged" as the UN suggested. Similar types of communications interception often precede the launch of (…)
Torture, Inc. USA
11 February 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
Why has the Bush administration been dancing around the question of whether waterboarding is torture?
Waterboarding was one of the most common tortures employed by the Spanish Inquisition for the first half of its 450-year-long history (circa 1480-1834). This has never been a secret. It is attested to by reams of documents - letters, debates, manuals of instruction and copious records of trials that include verbatim accounts of the torture sessions themselves - in the Historical Archives (…)