And... it was the CIA whores in the Middle East that gave us "Freedom Fighters," er, al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden...
Wait, wait, don’t tell me - Who are these forces around Osama bin Laden that the U.S. government has accused? Where did they come from? Who trained and organized them?
The answers to these questions lead back to the CIA—back to major crimes, campaigns and global rivalries of U.S. corporations.
Osama bin Laden first appeared on the stage 20 years ago as a major recruiter (…)
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Secret Services
9/11 And...
28 October 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Who’s printing all the bogus $100
8 October 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
10 commentsThe conspiracy: The Secret Service claims that North Korea is churning out "supernotes" or "superdollars"— amazingly high-quality counterfeit $100 bills. Authorities have discovered an estimated $50 million worth of the phony ’Benjamins’ in the past two decades and think at least $22 million more are out there.
But the presses needed to mimic the real bills’ anticounterfeit technologies cost around $50 million—not a great investment, even for Kim Jong Il. Next suspect? The Central (…) -
Iran labels CIA ’terrorist organization’
4 October 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Iran labels CIA ’terrorist organization’ By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press WriterSat Sep 29, 6:09 PM ET Iran’s parliament voted Saturday to designate the CIA and the U.S. Army as "terrorist organizations," a largely symbolic response to a U.S. Senate resolution seeking a similar designation for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.
The parliament said the Army and the CIA were terrorists because of the atomic bombing of Japan; the use of depleted uranium munitions in the Balkans, Afghanistan (…) -
New revelations in attack on American spy ship
4 October 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Special report New revelations in attack on American spy ship
Veterans, documents suggest U.S., Israel didn’t tell full story of deadly ’67 incident By John Crewdson | Tribune senior correspondent
Remember the USS LIBERTY!
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7 CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report
27 September 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment Tuesday, 25 September 2007, 10:02 am Opinion:
Distribution via the Unanswered Questions Wire .
Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report
by Alan Miller & See also... Official Account of 9/11 a “Joke” and a “Cover-up”
September 23, 2007 – Seven CIA veterans have severely criticized (…) -
George Tenet’s Book Is Interesting Because of What He Doesn’t Tell Us About 9/11
4 September 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsMichael P. Wright — Norman, Oklahoma, USA —
I have reviewed some of the material in George Tenet’s self-serving book At the Center of the Storm. Tenet was CIA director from 1997 till his resignation in 2004. He is widely known as the protégé of former U.S. Senator David Boren, who resigned from his seat in 1994, after manipulating the regents of the University of Oklahoma into naming him president. According to Time magazine, Boren and Tenet were having a “leisurely (…) -
Kurdistan’s Covert Back-Channels
4 September 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentHow an ex-Mossad chief, a German uberspy, and a gaggle of top-dollar GOP lobbyists helped Kurdistan snag 15 tons of $100 bills.
Laura Rozen April 11 , 2007
In June 2004, journalist Seymour Hersh reported in the New Yorker that Israelis operating in northern Iraq under the guise of businessmen were in fact cultivating Kurdish proxies to gather intelligence in preparation for possible future action against Iran. About the same time, I too was hearing about Israelis operating in Kurdish (…) -
24 August 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentBy Sarah Meyer
Lockheed Martin is one of the shortlisted contractors to provide data capture and storage services for the United Kingdom 2011 Census.
Lockheed Martin has many contracts with the United States Department of Defense. The company is involved with contracts in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The UK Green Party has assembled a petition. They are concerned that census submissions will not be safe from being incorporated into the US integrated systems. “Most worrying is their claim (…) -
CIA Manual Training
17 August 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
From ancient Rome’s red-hot irons and lacerating hooks to medieval Europe’s thumbscrews, rack, and wheel, for over 2,000 years anyone interrogated in a court of law could expect to suffer unspeakable tortures. For the last 200 years, humanist intellectuals from Voltaire to members of Amnesty International have led a sustained campaign against the horrors of state-sponsored cruelty, culminating in the United Nation’s 1985 Convention Against Torture, ratified by the Clinton administration in (…)
CIA’s Top Muslim-Getter Outs Himself: Jose Rodriguez
13 August 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsCIA’s Top Spook unmasks himself, but we strip him naked!
The CIA’s equivalent of Eichmann, when it comes to Muslims, has just unmasked himself. He is Jose A. Rodriguez. He also has been active in Latin America since at least the 1980s in actions against democratic governments.
[ASSOCIATED PRESS, Aug. 10, 2007] With little fanfare, Jose A. Rodriguez Jr, who heads the National Clandestine Service — the spies, torturers, and terrorists of the CIA — had his cover lifted about a month ago. (…)