Both Pres. Bush and Congress will keep our troops in Iraq By Mary MacElveen April 10, 2007
In this Countdown feed it is becoming evident that President Bush will get his way as it pertains to the handling of this war. I do believe as Keith Olbermann does that the senate Democrats “are beginning to blink” when it comes to setting up arbitrary timelines for our withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
As you listen to this feed, Senator Carl Levin stated, “We are not going to jeopardize the (…)
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Mary MacElveen
Both Pres. Bush and Congress will keep our troops in Iraq
11 April 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
In funding of the Iraq War, supporters have thrown our soldiers under the bus
3 April 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentIn funding of the Iraq War, supporters have thrown our soldiers under the bus By Mary MacElveen April 3, 2007
As one reads where Senator Harry Reid may move to cut funds to this war in Iraq, it is time for Americans that voted for a change to come forth in support of this measure. It is time to rise and shine America. You can no longer hide in some fox hole oblivious to this war’s failure. As of today, 3,252 soldiers have lost their lives. Some see Reid’s call as being an uphill battle (…) -
To President Bush, “You can’t always get what you want”
29 March 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
By Mary MacElveen
In listening to a debate that took place on Scarborough Country after the Senate passed the $120 billion dollar war appropriations bill with a dead line to bring this war to an end attached to it, MSNBC pundit, Pat Buchanan made certain remarks concerning the Democratic Party.
Buchanan stated, “Joe, it is exactly the problem the Democrats are going to have. After the president vetoes it, and then they go back, his veto‘s going to be sustained in both houses. And then (…) -
Bush’s ominous statement in 2000: "They have not led. We will,"
26 March 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentBush’s ominous statement in 2000: "They have not led. We will," By Mary MacElveen March 26, 2007
In reading these comments as reported by in which they wrote that Vice President Dick Cheney, “has assured political allies that an early withdrawal of US forces from Iraq would not be allowed, despite efforts by Congress to impose a deadline on US combat operations there.” I am reminded of what someone said on one of the political lists that I belong to that both Bush and Cheney (…) -
Pres. Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against the American people
19 March 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsPres. Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against the American people
By Mary MacElveen
March 19, 2007
In inviting former Congressman Tom DeLay onto their program to discuss the Iraq War, ‘Meet the Press’ lowered the bar for honest debate. After all, he resigned his office because he was indicted. His voice should carry absolutely no weight as this war is discussed. He has no right to interject his feelings and opinions of this war as he did so with the Terrie Schiavo (…) -
To the U.S. Congress if you can’t end this war, go look for other work
16 March 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
8 commentsTo the U.S. Congress if you can’t end this war, go look for other work By Mary MacElveen March 16, 2007
In speaking out against this war, those that have done so have pushed all fear aside and have done so with immense courage. If one is to look at the definition of courage, one is, “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.” The other being, “have the courage of one’s convictions, to act in accordance with one’s (…) -
President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims
16 March 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentPresident Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims By Mary MacElveen March 16, 2007
The other night I started to write an editorial asking what did the Iraqis do to the United States of America to deserve their fate and put it aside to finish up at a later time. In preparing to finish it up tonight, I logged onto the web site only to see a heart breaking Sixty Minutes story which aired this past Sunday called Will They Ever Trust Us Again? It is (…) -
Message to the KKK: By wearing hoods, it shows your cowardice
9 February 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsBy Mary MacElveen
February 8, 2007
In reading this alarming story in which the KKK is on the rise in New Jersey, I want to send a clear message to those within this organization, “You are cowards!” You may ask why I will say that of your pathetic group and that is because for the most part all of you wear those hoods.
I mean, come on, if you believe in what you say, then show your face. Have the courage to stand up for your beliefs. That is the American way. Millions marched on (…) -
Bigger is not always better
4 February 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
By Mary MacElveen
Have you ever heard of the term, bigger is better? It can apply to many things we often take for granted. Should a large store open up within our community, we as human beings are curious and we will visit these larger stores at the expense of the smaller one we have always shopped at. This is the case as the smaller Waldbaums in Miller Place. It has now closed its doors. It could no longer compete with the Stop N Shop that was built in close proximity to it.
Being (…) -
Please write these Iowa publications on behalf of John Edwards.
21 January 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsDear Folks,
Many of you have now read those three columns I circulated yesterday in which John Edwards has opposed a troop increase and has called upon Congress to cut the funds. I replied to each one using the title of their respective pieces. Should you wish to do the same, here is the contact information:, and
Iowa Wire used the title, ‘Edwards urges Congress to block Iraq escalation’.
Iowa Politics used the (…)