by Mary MacElveen
Many in the United States celebrate Columbus Day today in honor of Christopher Columbus who discovered the New World in 1492. It was already inhabited by Native Americans and other indigenous people of this region and was discovered only by accident when Columbus was searching for a western route to Asian markets.
Shortly after his discovery of this New World, the Europeans came...
What you may not know of this day is that on October 9, 1967, Che Guevara was executed (…)
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Mary MacElveen
Like Che Guevera, President Chavez realizes that true power lies with the people
22 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The GOP Campaign: “There’s a sucker born every minute and two to take him”
22 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The GOP Campaign: “There’s a sucker born every minute and two to take him”
By Mary MacElveen
October 22, 2006
In the month of October as cited in this article "U.S. sees deadliest month in ’06 in Iraq" we have lost 78 American troops. We depend upon our soldiers to be the front line of our national security. With this astounding number lost to our collective national security under the Bush/Cheney/GOP led government, are you feeling secure?
I think of our soldiers as being our (…) -
Both Peter King and Joe Lieberman must be forced to answer to these war crimes
21 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsBoth Peter King and Joe Lieberman must be forced to answer to these war crimes
By Mary MacElveen
October 21, 2006
In the closing days before these midterm elections, I have two politicians in my sights. One is Congressman Peter King (R 3rd Cong. Dist., NY) and the other is Senator Joe Lieberman (D (?) of Conn.) for their unbridled support of Bush and the whole-sale slaughter of innocent Iraqis.
I recently wrote in a previous column for As a result this horrifying news (…) -
I smell more than sulfur, innocence being stolen from children as well as their lives
20 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsby Mary MacElveen
When President Chavez called Bush "the Devil" he was lambasted for making that comment, but I read this comment from Bush’s Press Secretary, Tony Snow concerning Mark Foley’s criminal actions "Yes, look, I hate to tell you, but it’s not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill.
And there have been other scandals, as you know, that have been more than simply naughty emails."
To call the exchange of emails between a former congressman and a minor page is not naughty but (…) -
To the Voters: Do not give into fear; listen to the whisperings of our Founding Fathers
19 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsTo the Voters: Do not give into fear; listen to the whisperings of our Founding Fathers
By Mary MacElveen October 19, 2006
In his latest email alerts, Ken Mehlman (GOP Chair) stated “There is nothing more important than protecting the American people and ensuring that we have the intelligence we need to stop attacks on our homeland. The vast majority of Democrats in Congress did not agree. Shockingly, 84% of the Democrats in the House voted against interrogating terrorists, as did 73% of (…) -
Peter King and Ed Koch: Winners of the ‘Benedict Arnold’ award
19 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Peter King and Ed Koch: Winners of the ‘Benedict Arnold’ award By Mary MacElveen October 19, 2006
There is that old saying “All politics is local” since I am a resident of Long Island, I do hope that this finds its way to those who will have the choice between Peter King (R 3rd Cong. Dist., NY) and his Democratic rival, David Mejias who is presently a legislator for the County of Nassau. In light of the Military Commissions Act, if there ever was a congressman that needed to be taken (…) -
Letter Sent to Joe Lieberman who said Democrats have got to change their ways
18 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
12 commentsDear Folks,
Below is an email sent to Joe Lieberman. His fax is not working at the present moment, so I will be mailing him this letter. As you will see, I did provide his email address, please feel free to email him too.
Joe 2006
Campaign Headquarters
10 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860.244.2006
Fax: 860.727.9911
To Joe Lieberman, October 18, 2006
I (…) -
The United States of America: Born July 4th, 1776 - Died October 17th, 2006
18 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The United States of America: Born July 4th, 1776 - Died October 17th, 2006
By Mary MacElveen October 17th, 2006
In light of a despot signing ‘The Military Commissions Act of 2006’ into law, it was the day America died. America was born on July 4th, 1976 and died on October 17th, 2006. For a democracy, she died a perilous death at the young age of 230 years old. For six long years she screamed out in pain and while there were some protests, a great majority just stood by and did (…) -
Congressman, Tim Bishop: “Why Fear a Trial?”
17 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Congressman, Tim Bishop: “Why Fear a Trial?”
By Mary MacElveen
October 17, 2006
As I attended a debate between Congressman Tim Bishop (D 1st Cong. District, NY) and his Republican challenger, Italo Zanzi: when both were asked of the detainee bill recently approved by Congress which will be signed by Bush today, this is what candidate Zanzi stated that he “doesn’t believe Bush can claim anyone as a terrorist.”
As I read some of contents of this detainee bill which is called ‘Military (…) -
To those in denial ... do not be angry with one that holds the mirror up to you
16 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Mary MacElveen
As I think of the negative reactions coming from politicians within the United States in regards to President Chavez’ speech to the general assembly at the United Nations, a deeper psychology took place.
It is not so much the man in Bush that Rangel, Pataki and Pelosi were protecting, but the institution itself.
Most likely all three during these past six years have had their own negative thoughts concerning Bush and rightfully so. But, after September 11, 2001, (…)