by Mary MacElveen
Many have emailed me that stating that I hate United States and nothing can be farther from the truth ... I love my country, just not its government.
On many occasions through writing for, I have told my readers in the United States how their own damn government was their enemy and not President Hugo Chavez.
On several occasions, I have written favorable comments when it comes to Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. In my eyes, he is very much the patriot. (…)
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Mary MacElveen
We need you as much as you need us ... it is a symbiotic relationship, folks!
31 August 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Again, Bush’s government proves that USA is on the side of the terrorists!
16 August 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Mary MacElveen
When Ned Lamont won the Democratic primary in Connecticut against the three term senator, Joe Lieberman, it was taken that Democratic voters and Democrats themselves do not take terrorism seriously.
As a Democrat here in the United States, I will go on record stating that is complete nonsense.
Through many columns here at, I have been calling for the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles who is presently being held in El Paso, Texas.
It seems that the (…) -
When we turn our backs on the Law, we have told the bin Ladens they’ve won!
15 August 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by Mary MacElveen
I have been speaking of what is a warranted fear as opposed to an unwarranted one and as I read this statement from the extremist right-wing-nut, Dick Cheney in which, concerning Ned Lamont’s win in the Conneticut Democratic primary, he stated that he found it "disturbing."
The rightist vice president then went on to say “the al Qaeda types, they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people in terms of our ability (…) -
How many terrorists see an opportunity due to Bush and Blair’s stupidity?
14 August 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by Mary MacElveen
At this point, I want to knock some sense into the mainstream media for playing Bush and Blair’s game and that is the game of terror and fear.
These so-called news organizations that are read and viewed by millions are now coming out with disturbing facts concerning this alleged terror plot that would have blown ten airplanes headed to the United States out of the skies.
In fact, I’m ripping mad that they would play with the lives of innocent people and those that (…) -
It is in the best interests of President Hugo Chavez and Venezuela that he should take immediate action to purge CITGO!
16 July 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by Mary MacElveen
Normally, I do not like to write columns mirroring he said/she said, but in this case I will do so. I just read Drew Raines reaction to my piece in which he stated, "I’ve read Mary MacElveen’s article and fully agree with what she has said EXCEPT that in the real world Chavez can’t monitor EVERYTHING at all times."
To this I add, in this one instance, President Chavez should be monitoring this situation since tensions have arose between our two countries and it is in (…) -
President who couldn’t find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight
19 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Mary MacElveen
As all of you know, I love to quote excellent passages coming from various places such as the United States Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, words spoken by past leaders and, yes, movies and television shows. I do that since I find what is written to be of great value ... we all can learn a thing or two ... hopefully by learning a valued lesson ... we the people can change not only this country for the better, but the world as well.
Many of (…) -
While USA has thousands of nuclear and DU warheads, Venezuela has none
17 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by Mary MacElveen
Most of you will have read Would Sumate stand by and allow their fellow citizens to be contaminated? and, if you have not, I strongly urge you to do so. In this piece I wrote in great detail concerning the effects of depleted uranium and the devastating effects it has on American soldiers as well as innocent civilians.
I do not only mention Iraq, but other countries as well where this deadly weapon has been used.
As tensions rise between Venezuela and the United (…) -
When United States of America became the United Corporations of America
13 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Mary MacElveen
There is a wonderful (American) TV show that will end its run after many years of entertaining us and giving those who often do not know the inner workings of the White House a lesson on how the executive branch works.
The show I speak of is "The West Wing." Many people through these past five years have craved a president like President Jeb Bartlet. After all, he is intelligent and speaks in coherent sentences and does not seem to take that many vacations.
In the (…) -
Chavez and the good people of Venezuela have only the best of intentions for USA
12 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsby Mary MacElveen
There are times when I read an article that borders on comedy ... where I actually sit there laughing, as well as shaking my head, knowing that an ill-informed public will actually believe it.
I first want to state to my readers around the globe and especially here within the United States, that if you think that Venezuela is a threat to you ... you really do need to get a life.
The piece I am referring to is Pentagon document mentions Venezuela as a concern and I (…) -
If anyone is guilty of trying to make Venezuela unstable it is the United States
12 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Mary MacElveen
The other day, I sat down to watch Molly Ivins on Ms. Ivins is a columnist after my own heart. In the interview, a caller phoned in and cited that he was once a moderate Republican, but felt the need to leave that party since it no longer represented his values.
The date of the interview was January 27 and was one day off of my six year anniversary where I too felt as that caller did and left the Republican Party. While he did not say if he joined another (…)