By Mary MacElveen
Jack Cafferty of CNN’s ‘Situation Room’ is no stranger to speaking out and asking the viewers what they think as evident in this video feed titled, “Sometimes politicians say really dumb things” This is not the first time, nor do I suppose it will be the last that journalists such as Cafferty are willing to go against the current media trend and express his negative opinions of Bush. If one were a Marine, one would shout, “hoo-rah!”
But, getting back (…)
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Mary MacElveen
Jack Cafferty asks if the Iraq War will be recorded as a “comma”
12 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
While Bush and the GOP were off hunting ghosts, North Korea waved hello
11 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
While Bush and the GOP were off hunting ghosts, North Korea waved hello
By Mary MacElveen
October 11, 2006
Well it seems now that Senator John McCain has jumped on the bandwagon non-accountability as he blames the latest North Korean nuclear test on Bill Clinton. At some point it is up to the American people to start holding the GOP accountable and it is my hope that it will come soon. The GOP acts collectively like a child saying, “No, Mom, I did not do it, he did.” It seems like (…) -
Outgoing MP, Clare Short is “Profoundly Ashamed” of the UK Government
5 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentBy Mary MacElveen
There are times when listening to talk radio in foreign countries; I realize that we are not so different. Even Parliament leaders from Great Britain show us that we are all very much the same. I was just listening to the Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 as he was interviewing outgoing MP Clare Short.
She has accused Prime Minister, Tony Blair and the Labor Party as a whole moving too far to the right. Does that sound as if she were talking of how some Democrats have (…) -
Bush Assassination Film is just fictional as was ‘The Path to 9/11’
4 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentBy Mary MacElveen
At this point, I challenge any station to air the movie that depicts the assassination of George W. Bush. This movie is a piece of fiction as was the ‘Path to 9/11’ But, knowing our corporate controlled media, they will not because they are ‘gun shy’ since the conservative base within this country will have a field day trying to shut down the airing of this movie. I know that was a bad pun to use, but one that is applicable in this case. This conservative base was (…) -
It’s all Bill Clinton’s Fault
4 October 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
8 commentsby Mary MacElveen
The world hates the United States as evident as Bush travels abroad, so it must mean that it is all Bill Clinton’s fault.
We have a growing and dangerous deficit and it must mean that it is all Bill Clinton’s fault.
Our civil liberties are being trashed and it must mean that it is all Bill Clinton’s fault.
Bush turned his back on victims of Hurricane Katrina and it must mean that it is all Bill Clinton’s fault.
Bush and the GOP led government cut funds to many (…) -
Bush Assassination Film is just fictional as was ‘The Path to 9/11’
14 September 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsBush Assassination Film is just fictional as was ‘The Path to 9/11’
By Mary MacElveen
September 14, 2006
At this point, I challenge any station to air the movie that depicts the assassination of George W. Bush. This movie is a piece of fiction as was the ‘Path to 9/11’ But, knowing our corporate controlled media, they will not because they are ‘gun shy’ since the conservative base within this country will have a field day trying to shut down the airing of this movie. I know that was (…) -
Luis Posada Carriles a Known Terrorist to be set free
13 September 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsBy Mary MacElveen
September 12, 2006
As with any piece that angers me, I have to walk away for a bit, process it, and then write of it. In this case, I cannot especially the day after the fifth anniversary of terrorist attacks that befell this nation. Bush is seen as our defender against said terrorists. I would like to ask him then why is a US judge releasing a terrorist from jail?
For close to a year now, I have been the voice of 73 innocent victims of terrorism as they lost their (…) -
It’s a Small World After All
12 September 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by Mary MacElveen
The Disney company that owns ABC theme for as long as I can remember is, “It’s a small world after all” and with that said, their plans to air ‘A Path to 9/11’ on the eve of the fifth anniversary of September 11th, 2006 says to many that they are dealing with yet another fairy tale. But, this fairy tale if not corrected in order to relay the truth of the events that led up to this horrific attack, will be seen by and large by the American people as a film of fact instead (…) -
Is the failure to capture Osama bin Laden President Clinton’s fault too?
6 September 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
By Mary MacElveen
As we come up on the fifth anniversary of September 11, 2001 which was by all means a day that lived in infamy that took the lives of three thousand innocent people, Bush promised us all that he would capture Osama bin Laden, “Dead or alive” As the days wore on with no accountability by this administration and a complicit media that forgot those three words, his (Bush’s) message morphed into, “I do not know where he is, he is not important and is not our priority” Well (…) -
Mayor Ross ‘Rocky’ Anderson: “Give us the truth!”
2 September 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentBy Mary MacElveen
I want you all to pay close attention to this quote by the Salt Lake City, Utah mayor, Rocky Anderson as he said, “Blind faith in bad leaders is not patriotism” Since 9/11, many Americans have fallen victim to said blind faith with this administration flogging them all into the most brutal submission that if they dared to speak out, that they were unpatriotic. This administration has created a fascist state even more powerful than prior ones that equally destroyed those (…)