by Mary MacElveen
In my piece concerning John Edwards which ran this past week, I wrote: "In the November 28, 2005, issue of ’The Nation,’ John Edwards was quoted as saying: "I voted for the resolution ... it was a mistake."
I have to add that I respect anyone, regardless of what decision they made in the past, when they see that it was wrong. I have deep respect when they come out of the political closet and with humility to state that their vote was a "mistake."
With that said, I (…)
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Mary MacElveen
The murder of a half a million children is a price worth paying?
11 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment -
The murder of a half a million children is a price worth paying?
6 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsby Mary MacElveen
In my piece concerning John Edwards which ran this past week, I wrote: "In the November 28, 2005, issue of ’The Nation,’ John Edwards was quoted as saying: "I voted for the resolution ... it was a mistake."
I have to add that I respect anyone, regardless of what decision they made in the past, when they see that it was wrong. I have deep respect when they come out of the political closet and with humility to state that their vote was a "mistake."
With that said, I (…) -
The murder of a half a million children is a price worth paying?
5 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsby Mary MacElveen
In my piece concerning John Edwards which ran this past week, I wrote: "In the November 28, 2005, issue of ’The Nation,’ John Edwards was quoted as saying: "I voted for the resolution ... it was a mistake."
I have to add that I respect anyone, regardless of what decision they made in the past, when they see that it was wrong. I have deep respect when they come out of the political closet and with humility to state that their vote was a "mistake."
With that said, I (…) -
We want Osama bin Laden brought to justice in the United States ... or do we?
3 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsby Mary MacElveen
On September 20, 2001, Bush coined the now infamous phrase: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" ... that speech was given days after the attacks that befell the United States on 9/11.
What a hypocrite Bush was and is, making that statement seeing that he gives safe harbor to a known terrorist, Luis Posada Carriles.
On October 6, 1976, Cubana flight 455 took off from Caracas carrying 73 persons including a fencing team. Whether you are speaking of (…) -
Cindy Sheehan went too Far in Comparing Clinton to Bush
1 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
7 commentsBy Mary MacElveen
Today, someone sent me in an email the following quote made by Cindy Sheehan: ’And about Bill Clinton . . . . You know, I really think he should have been impeached, but not for a blow job. His policies are responsible for killing more Iraqis that George Bush. I don’t understand why to rise to the level of being president of my country one has to be a monster. I used to say that George Bush was defiling the Oval Office, but it’s been held by a long line of monsters" But (…) -
Why can’t we have America back? Why is that so hard to do, Lady Liberty?"
1 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
de Mary MacElveen
A small boy visits the Statue of Liberty while on a class trip. The weather is perfect with not a cloud in the sky. This child looks up to Lady Liberty in awe knowing how many passed her by in order to become citizens of this grand republic. He has the image in his mind of how many of our country’s ancestors came to our shores only to be welcomed by Lady Liberty ... he feels the spirit of freedom as he gazes upon her.
At one point, the boy feels a drop of water fall (…) -
Fax the Articles of Impeachment into Every Single Elected Official’s Office and Demand Bush’s Head!
31 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Mary MacElveen
Dear Folks,
Many of us have just read: Impeachment hearings: The White House prepares for the worst It is incumbent upon all of us and I do mean all of us to start faxing the articles of impeachment into every single elected official’s office. Republicans and Democrats alike must impeach Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld in order to save this republic. Go to your library or your local convenience store to fax the articles of impeachment. To find your elected official’s fax (…) -
My Fax to Bush After Reading: A SOLDIER OF TRUTH HAS FALLEN: In Memory of Specialist Doug Barber
27 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsTo President Bush,
Every single day, I pray that we make it through the next three years with you ruling this country. I have serious doubts that this republic will survive. There are so many indications that it will indeed fall. But, I pray anyway.
But tonight, my prayers are with Specialist Douglas Barber who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom although, I do not see signs of a free Iraq. Why are my prayers with him? It is because he took his own life while suffering from PTSD after (…) -
My Fax to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Concerning a Comment Made by Her in the SF Gate
27 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
5 commentsMinority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Washington, D.C. Office
2371 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4965
Fax: (202) 225-8259
To Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, January 18, 2006
I was more than surprised to hear your comment concerning any impeachment of President Bush as I read this column in the (January 15th, 2006) edition of the San (…) -
Mary MacElveen: Let the second American Revolution begin!
25 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by Mary MacElveen
To my readers around the globe, this column addresses former US Vice President Al Gore’s speech to the nation in defense of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights ... these documents are the foundations that we as a civil society live by and whereby everyone must live under the rule of law.
I thought it wise that Al Gore chose to give this speech on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday since he was a moral and just man whose life was cut short by an (…)